I've Been Waiting For So Long

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Chapter 20!!

Next chapter will be the last!

I had to think for a long about who's POV I had to do first so I hope I choose right!


*Harry's POV*

I spent all day wondering if he'd ever figure it out. I hadn't seen him all day I think he went home.

The week went by without me seeing him. It seemed to go by so slow and all I wanted was the weekend. The next week of school we had off for some reason I wasn't paying attention for but it was all I could look forward to.

I don't think I talked to anyone but Lou. Zayn tripped me a couple of times and didn't see Liam. I'm thinking he's with Niall.

I don't know what to do now, is there anything I can do? I means it's Saturday and it's pouring and I walking in the park. That's all I can do I guess. Louis keeps trying to call me but I don't want to talk. The only person I want to talk to is Niall and who knows after he figures it out if he's going to want to see me. I'm not saying Niall is stupid, not at all stupid but he's completely oblivious. Can I wait any longer? It depends on what his answer is.

I decide to walk home because I can feel a cold coming on from all this. Surprisingly my dad is home, we don't talk after.. last year but I can tell something's up from the way he's standing in front of the door pacing when I get home.

"Um, what's going on?" He looks at me and I can see tears filling his eyes.

"It's Louis." My heart breaks at the way he says it and brace myself against the door for what was coming next. "He got in a car accident. We have to go now he's unstable."

I can't move so he grabs my arm and shoves me into the car. I close my eyes and think back to the day I first met Louis..

*Flashback to when they were 5*

I'm just a kid starting kindergarten and I only have two friends. Zayn and Liam. They left me to go play with this other boy with blue eyes and feathery brown hair.

I pout and tears start to run down my cheeks. The bell rings for recess and I push my way out if the building. I sit on a set of swings that are always empty for the kids without friends. I'm the only one without a friend. I start to cry and kick the sand beneath me.

"Why are you crying?" A voice says and I look up and see the blue eyed boy again.

"I don't have any friends." I wipe my nose on my sleeve.

"I'll be your friend." He smiles at me.

"Really?" I wipe my eyes and stand up.

"Yes Harold." He opens his arms and and fall in them holding him tight.

"Okay Lewis." He let's go of me and holds me at arms length.

"It's Louis." He sasses.

"I'm Harry." He giggles and hugs me again.

*Flash forward to grade 7*

"Harry! It's just a girl!" He fixes my tie and stands back looking at me.

"But Lou-" I start to whine at him.

"All you have to do is dance with her a little." He cuts me off and raises his eyebrows at me.

"I haven't really done anything with a girl since my mum Louis." I sit down on my bed take my tie off. "I don't want to go. I don't even like the girl!"

He sits down next to me and puts his hand on my knee. "It's okay Haz, we'll have a movie night instead."

He takes off his tie and throws it across the room. We put in a movie and cuddle in my bed for a few hours before falling asleep.

Daydreaming : Narry ✔Where stories live. Discover now