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Yes it's named after the One Direction song:)) chapter 7!! I'm proud of myself, this is the longest Narry story I've ever written!:')

This story is dedicate to DirectionersUnited93, she's amazing and I love her!:')

I'm thinking about doing it all in Harry's POV.. I'm excited about this chapter, enjoy!:))

*Harry's POV*

CRASH!! I shot up off the cough and looked over at the kitchen door. Who the hell could be here?

"Shit shit shit shit. You idiot Niall. You fucking idiot!" Niall whispered-screamed to himself.

I heard him huff out angrily, what's wrong with him? Did I do something.. again? Why do I always fuck up?!

"Ni?" I pushed opened the door, he was crouched picking up glass off the floor.

"Shit! I'm sorry Harry! I was making food and I got this bowl out for popcorn and I dropped it!" He picked up the pierces quicker but ended up cutting his finger.

"Ni! it's fine! I do it all the time!" He looked up at me surprised. He looked absolutely breathtaking. I mean he always did but his messy hair, hopeful eyes and lip biting hit me HARD. My feelings were never going to go away.

"Are you sure?" He looked down again worriedly.

"Ni! Yes I am!" I crossed my arms and stick out my lip. I was trying to look cute but I probably looked like a 3 year old. "I wouldn't lie to you!"

"Never ever?" Niall raised his eye brows and chuckled.


"That's what I thought."

I chuckled and he looked up at me. "You're so weird in the mornings Niall."

He shook his head and looked at me weird. "It's like 11:00pm Harry."

I was about to say something when the phone rang. WHY DOES A PHONE ALWAYS INTERUPT MY CONVERSATIONS?!

"What?" I sounded rude but i dont care. I put it on speaker phone.


                                                       *Louis' POV* (Flashback to earlier, He's explaining it to Harry) 

So, Niall and Harry need to work their shit out. It's fucking annoying, they know they like each other! Wow.. sounds like im talking about me and Liam. Thats different! Kinda.. No its not. No it is because he doesnt love me. Oh well!

Where has Liam been anyway? I havent seen him since our little fight the other day, maybe he hates me again. Ugh, I cant have that! Maybe i could just move out of this world. Wait what? What is wrong with me?! I'm not making any sense!

I was standing in the middle of my kitchen staring at nothing. This is the effects of Liam James Payne. Well might as find a movie. I went into the living room and switched on the TV. Toy Story was on! No.. that reminds me too much of Liam. Damn. Ohh Transformers! I heard a bang on my door as I clicked on it. It cant be Hary or Niall, I hope its Zayn becuase i didnt look hot enough for Liam to come over.

I opened the door to find Liam. Of course. "Um hi." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Where have you been?" I put my hands on hips and glared at him.

"Thats what i came to talk to you about." He pushed his way inside. What did he even mean?

I walked in behind him and he sat on the cough. This was bullshit. "Okay Liam spill. Where have you been? Why have you been ignoring only MY calls and not the other boys? Why the fuck would you get us worried?" Anger built up inside me. This was the thing, he just gets me worked up without even meaning to and i hate I'm the only one that acts like I care.

"I've been at my Grandma's thinking." He didn't take his eyes off the screen.

"Why the fuck are you here now?!" Now he turned around, he looked me dead in the eye and laughs a cold dead laugh.

"I wanted to tell you I hated you. You're a little fuck. I used to love you but now I dont because you fucking broke my heart so I decided to hate you now." No. No. NO.


"You heard me Tomlinson."

"Liam.. are you high?"  

I went up closer to him and saw his eyes bloodshot. You can not be serious. HES FUCKING HIGH?! LIAM JAMES PAYNE THE CONCETERATE LIAM PAYNE IS HIGH?!

"Um I dont know Zayn. Hey where did Louis go I didn't apoligize! Woah." He smaked my face.

"Liam get the fuck out."

"Noo I dont even remember how I got here!" Shit i couldnt let him leave. What if someone kidnapped him?! I could let him leave. What if he didnt hate me? I'd probalby yell at him tomorrow.

"Liam-" I was interupted by snore. At least I could call Harry now..

                                                                *Harry's POV* (Back to present after Louis explains)

"HE WAS HIGH?!" I cant believe he was high! Where would he get it?

"Yeah! I cant believe it either and hes still asleep!"

"Should we come over Lou?" Niall had panick in his eyes, we needed to go over now.

"Yeah, I dont want to be alone when he wakes up.." He trailed off. 

"We'll be right over Boo Bear dont worry." I hung up and looked outside. It was snowing! If I wasnt so worried I'd be happy.

"Ni, it's snowing!" He jumped on my back and looked out the window.

"Ugh stupid Liam! I want to play in the snow." He climbed off my back and grabbed a coat for both of us. "We'll play another time! Promise me Haz!"

"I plomise Ni!"

"No! Say it right Haz!" He tried to sound treating but he giggled ruining the toughness but making it cute.

"Fine! I PROMISE!" I rolled my eyes, he was to cute.

"Okay! Lets go!" He grabs my hand yanks me out the door throwing me into the drivers seat. I have no idea why but it feels like we're dating, I mean I REALLY want to date him but it feels like we"re already dating. That doesnt even make sense wow okay. I need to stop getting distracted! I zone out too much.

"Haz, come one start the car I'm freezing!" I nod and he looks at me weirdly. "Harry, we'll be okay." He kissed my cheek and I backed out of the driveway to hid my blush. His lips still lingered on my cheek.


K this chapter sucked really bad and im sorry you have to read this. Next chapter will be better i plomise! See what i did there;) Haha that was bad! Btw Happily is the themne song for the book! 


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