Don't Even Talk About It.

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This chapter will be better! Chapter 8!:) Dedicating to hey_hey_hey12 because I love her stories!:)

I really really hope this will be better because the last chapter was terrible!

Okay I'm gonna stop! here it is...

*Liam's POV*

I opened my eyes and closed them again. Everything was fuzzy and blurry, what the hell did I do last night?!

I opened my eyes again, I was laying on someone's cough. It looked like... Louis cough?!? Shit! I can't be here! What if I told him I love him?! Shit!

"Leyyyummm!" That sounded like Niall. I turned my head and saw an angry Niall. Woah, what did I do last night?

"Ni?" I rubbed my eyes and saw Zayn, Louis, Harry and Niall standing there looking furious.

"YOU DON'T FUCKING REMEMBER WHAT YOU DID LAST NIGHT?!" Louis was walking over to me flaring his nose and clenching his fists. Shit.

"No. What did I do Lou?!" I was confused, was it really that bad?


"Oh." I felt my eyes water, I put my hand over my eyes and sobbed into them quietly.

"Who got you high?" I couldn't answer that. They would all hate me and the person that gave it to me was in the room..

"Um.." I looked around and I saw the person who gave it to me nod slowly. "Zayn."

Louis lunged on Zayn before both of us could explain. He started punching him and screaming in his face. One more day till Louis' birthday and I was ruining it. I'm horrible.

"Stop!" I jump on Louis and he starts punching both of us.

Harry tackles all of us and Louis punches him in the chin knocking him back.

"ENOUGH!" Niall is standing next to the cough tears streaming down his cheeks. "I'm sick of all of us fighting over nothing! So what Liam got high? It was his choice! Judging by Liam I know he won't do it again!" He stops and points at Zayn. "He could have ignored Liam's request! He won't do it again!" He points to Louis. "And you." He speaks directly to Louis. "You're punching your best friends because they got high once? It's like being drunk! Stop fucking over reacting! You're hurting yourself and its hurting us more than you realize! Please stop!" He looked at Harry on the ground bleeding. "And Harry is always in everyone's business! If two people are fighting don't fucking get into the business! We didn't have to tucking go over here! Hell I just wanted to make sure Liam was okay! I'm fucking done right now guys. Stop fighting about nothing." He walks out the door without once turning back. But he's right. Niall's always right.

"He's right guys." Louis got up and walked into the kitchen and came back in handing a ice pack to Harry. "I'm being a jackass."

"Yeah you are." I say and chuckle when he nods.

"I'm sorry. I was mad. I need to stop getting overly angry about everything." He turns to Harry. "Go find Niall, Harry."

"Why me? I'm always in everyone's business." Harry gets up and grabs his keys from the counter. "He doesn't want to see me." With that Harry leaves. Damn, I was hoping him and Niall would hook up today! Okay Liam stay on the subject of who should find Niall.

"Liam?" Zayn pokes me.

"Haha no." Niall was as mad at me as I thought but my head hurt and I didn't want to wonder around town and end up fainting.

Daydreaming : Narry ✔Where stories live. Discover now