Are You Sure You're Not Crazy?

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Chapter 19!!

Only a few to go!! :( maybe..

I just realized how much I'm going to miss this story when I'm done:(

All credit to talkaboutnarryxdsb for the cover:) it's amazing isn't it? Wayyy better than mine!

I really want to start a new book after this but I don't know if anyone will read it soo...

Don't know if this chapter going to be good:/

*Harry's POV*

I cannot believe I was just giving love bites to Niall. I think he was enjoying it but, I won't know unless I ask him and that will be never. I'm trying to fall asleep but I can't get the feeling on my lips on his throat away from my mind.

I grab my phone from the floor and squint at the time, it's 5 in the morning I haven't slept at all. I get up and head for Niall's bathroom.

"NO!" I turned and saw Niall making an afraid face and he starts to flip around a little. "I LOVE HIM!"

Who is he talking about? I turn around and walk into the bathroom slamming the door. Who could he love? Not Louis. Not Liam. He's probably in love with Zayn, the bad boy who is secretly a sweet heart and one of the greatest guys. I open the door to comfort Niall. He's standing there with a wild look on his face, his eyes are fighting back tears but they also look like he's trying to fight screaming in agony. I start toward him and he runs out the door without his shoes or a coat or anything expect his phone.

Right now instead of freaking out like I normally would I'm going to be calm and just call Louis to come and get me. Okay, I am freaking out but I managed to stay calm for the whole call.

Louis is here before I can count to 400, and yes I was counting, his hair is a mess and there's bags under his eyes. I imagine either I woke him or he hasn't been sleeping well again. I haven't seen him since I ran away a few days back and I can tell something happened between him and Liam again. I stay quiet for a few before trying to use my voice.

"Niall had a nightmare and ran out." I mutter and Louis pulls over and slaps me. My face tingles and it makes me boil with anger, but it could be for a reason so I do my best to not attack his throat.

"Why the hell didn't you go after him?" He yells at me. Louis' not being himself and I don't like seeing him like this.

"What is wrong with you?" I see tears well up in his eyes and he puts his hand on his forehead trying not to let the tears spill.

"I need to tell you something and you're not going to like it or believe it at first.." I swallow hard and nod letting him know I'm prepared.

"A while back.."

*Niall's POV*

I'm back at home but Harry isn't there and I'm really worried. I've called Harry and Louis and they both won't pick up. What did I do?

My phone buzzes in my pocket and scramble for it not even looking at the caller I.D. "Thank god! I'm really sorry-"

"What are you going on about?" Zayn's voice echoes through the phone and this is unexpected because Zayn has never called me.

"Zayn?" I rub my eyes and run a hand through my hair.

"That's my name." He chuckles at his joke.

"You've never called me before. What happened?" I sit on the bottom of the steps bracing myself for one of our own being in the hospital.

"You need to come over." He gives me his address and I run over there as fast as I can. Its a small house but I don't spend to much time on that and quickly shut the door behind me.

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