Can We Go Back To The Start?

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Haha Chapter 5:)))) can't wait for you mofo's to read this! I like it alot! Sirry it took so long to update! Something happy might happen for once!

Song for chapter is Bulletproof Love by Pierce The Veil


*Niall's POV*

I ran as fast I could. The world was spinning around me as I ran farther and farther away. I dared to look back only to find nothing chasing me, I stop dead in my tracks. Something was chasing me, where did it go?

I heard a twig crack and I spun around looking in the direction of the noise. I heard a laughter that sound like a human but not a normal human. I started to run again! This time I actually ended up somewhere, it was the middle of no where in the woods with a cabin. There was a car parked there, I didn't think and just ran into the cabin.

The door opened with a creak making me flinch, it sounded like one of those typical horror movies where the door would squeak dramatically. I stepped inside and quickly closed the door. It was pitch black darkness, I took a cautious step forward. The floor creaked and the lights flickered on.

There were bodies everywhere but they weren't dead, they seemed to be trapped in the floor boards. My mum, Harry, Louis, Liam, Zayn and other people I didn't even know. Someone started to clap. What the hell? The person came down the stairs still clapping, I stood up and attempted a death stare.

His face came into view. No.. it was HIM! How could he be here?! He was in a mental hospital! I back away slowly. The people in floor boards started to yell and cry out as he came closer to me, with every step he took people would vanish beneath his feet.

I tried opening the door but it wouldn't open and he kept coming closer. I sunk down to the floor. As he touched me the last thing I heard was Harry.. "You didn't even try and help. You never cared did you?"

I shot up in bed drenched in sweat. Why was he in my dreams again? He was locked away.. but I guess not from my head. My mind went back to Harry, I told him I loved him before he went to sleep yesterday. I don't think he knew I actually meant it. I sigh and tugged at my hair as I stared at myself in the mirror, how could he love me anyway?

"Niall? Honey? I heard you screaming, are you alright? Did you have another nightmare about.. him?" My mum knew who he was and what happened before we moved out here. I had nightmares alot but when I first met Harry they stopped. Soon after we started to stay away from each other they started again.

"Yeah mum I had a nightmare again." She came rushing in and before I could cover my arms up she saw.

"NIALL?!" She grabbed my arm. "EXPLAIN THIS RIGHT NOW!!" She looked pale, angry and sad all in the same moment, I cause people too much pain.

"I really hate myself mum and I'm one of the reasons Harry attempted yesterday." The tears started pouring down my face but I didn't dare look at her.

"No honey you're not. He was long gone before you got here, There's nothing you could have done. What you can do is love him." I gasped, how did she know?! "Its a mothers instinct Niall."

"Oh." I blush and looked at my hands. "What do I do?"

"Treat him like he deserves to be treated, its what he needs." With that she got up and left.

Should I do what she said? No.. maybe, I'll ask Louis. He knows how I feel about Harry. The thing I only know about Louis is how torn up he's been these last few months, his best friend hated him and Liam wouldn't talk to him or barely look at him. Louis loved Liam with everything he has but Liam shut him off, Louis was the most broken. I had talked to Liam about it and all he said was that he was angry at Louis, I think maybe something else happened he's not telling me.

Daydreaming : Narry ✔Where stories live. Discover now