Why Am I Still Here?

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This is going to be an easier chapter to write but it's still going to kill me. Ugh. Chapter 4!!:D

I'm a queer! *slaps forehead ashamed of self*

Song for chapter is King For A Day By Pierce The Veil

Sooo... Enjoy!

*Niall's POV*

"We have to follow Harry home right now Louis." I had grabbed Louis out of class, literally.

"Why? What happened? Did you talk to him?" Louis wouldn't shut up, I knew he was concerned but I was getting pissy.

"No time to explain, the important thing is I think he's going home to commit Suicide." I dragged him to his car and we sped to Harry's. What if I was right? What if he's already...

"Niall! Turn!" Louis turns the steering wheel left hitting the curb a little. I wasn't paying attention.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled, I didn't feel like speaking right now.

I pulled next to his house and ran into the house. The door was locked. Shit. Louis started kicking the door, I joined him. I heard someone cough, oh no we were too late. The door flew open to reveal Harry on the floor blood pouring from his wrists and left forearm. No no no no no NO!

"Leave me to d-di-ie." Harry stuttered out coughing up blood. I grabbed him and pulled him into my lap.

"I-I can't." I choked as his eyes started to close. "No! Harry! DON'T LEAVE!"

Sirens whaled loudly as they came closer to the house. I stared at Harry as tears wouldn't stop leaving my eyes. My Harry. My love. I loved him. I never got to tell him.

"Get back, sir!" I stepped back and fell back to the floor, I was in shock all I was sure of was the tears.

They lifted his body up on to the gurney and rushed to the ambulance. They drove off quickly and Louis and I just sat on the ground in shock. Louis started to scream, I put my hand over his mouth.

"Louis we have to go." I can't believe I can talk right now.

"I want to go where he's going."

"I do too." Louis knows I love Harry, I talk in my sleep I guess.

"I can't drive. I-I'm calling Liam.." I started crying, I don't want to feel a thing anymore.

"L-Liam. Come to H-Harrys." His name made me sick. "He- he attempted sui-" He hung up as I sobbed uncontrollably as Louis and I held each other.

My head was spinning as I was thinking about killing myself too, I could be with Harry. I could smile again, I could be happy. Everyone would be happier without me anyway. Expect Louis, he might follow me. Or I might follow him.

"Lets go right now!" Liam lifted us off the ground and threw us in the car. He had tears running down his face, Zayn was in the front seat coughing from crying. This would kill all of us. I'm already dead anyway.

Liam sped to the hospital and we got there in 2 minutes where it would usually take 10 minutes. Louis ran to the front desk.

"Where is Harry Styles?!" She went right to her computer. She read the screen and I saw her face fall. No. This was dream, a terrible dream.

"He's in surgery."

"Is he alive?!" Now we were all at the desk.

"Yes." The lady nodded and gave us a small smile. "It'll take about another 30 minutes."

"Thank you so much." We ran into the waiting room.

We sat in silence all probably wishing it was us instead of him, I know I am. I was planning to attempt in February but now that's not going to happen. We sat huddled in a group as we all cried.

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