Christmas is ruined.

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Chapter 10! Woah! I'm so proud I've come this far! Even though I only have like 299 reads writing this is totally worth it!:)

Dedicating narrybradbery to because she's amazing and we talk about dominate Niall;) Love her soo much!<3

Love you all!~X

*Harry's POV*

Waking up to Niall laying on my chest made Christmas morning that much better and that's saying a lot for me because I looooovvvvveeee Christmas! Who doesn't?

"Ni!" He didn't move so I sat on him hips on hips. "WAKE UP YOU WANKER IT'S CHRISTMAS!" I kinda maybe accidentally rocked our hips forward.. it made him push me off. Yeah I'm kinda stupid like a lot.

"Sorry Harry you scared me." He looked at me on the floor, his eyes looked foggy like he didn't want to be here. Yeah, he doesn't like me..

"Harry?" He poked me with his foot.

"What?" That came out a little harsh but I just want to be with him so bad that it hurts.

"I-" Niall stopped abruptly as we heard a shout and then a scream.

"What the-" I was cut off by another scream.

Shit Louis.

I walk out of my bedroom and see Louis ripping open presents. ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!


Liam comes racing down the stairs and frowns deeply at the mess Louis made. Niall comes down on Zayn's back, they both sigh at Louis' stupidity. Every. Year. Maybe I should start having Christmas with my family. Ever since I met Louis, Zayn and Liam we've at Christmas at each others house instead of at home.

"Harry, this is to you." Louis looked up at me a smile on his face but it soon dropped. He pulled me into the kitchen away from the other boys.

"What's wrong? I don't like you being sad on Christmas, hell I hate you being sad in general. Is it him?" Louis gazed into my eyes forcefully.

"It's-" Truthfully what was bothering me was my mum. I haven't thought about my mum for awhile but when it came to Christmas and her birthday I felt completely empty.

"Harry, you know you can tell me." Louis grabs my hands and intertwines them in his.

"It's my mum Louis, I have to go see her." I shake my hands away from him and take my coat off his counter.

I hear someone say something but I don't hear and I don't who it was. As soon as I stepped outside I felt the tears on my cheeks I didn't know were there. I watched the snow calmly float down from the the grey dull sky. Its Christmas! I should be happy!

I made my way to the cemetery and took a deep breath, I haven't been here for awhile. Usually when I visit her I talk but today I just sat there in silence. The thing is I didn't have anything to say, the only thing on my mind was Niall and I didn't want to talk about him.

I shuffle behind me and looked up to find Niall looking.. mad? Why the hell would he be mad?

"Hi." I simply say as he comes closer.

"Don't hi me." I looked at him to find he was completely serious.

"What did I do?"

"Why the fuck would you just walk out like that without answering my question?!" What was he talking about?

"What question?"

"You know what? Forget it! You would have hated me anyways if I asked it!"

"What the fuck Niall I was upset and I didn't hear! Just fucking ask me again!"

Daydreaming : Narry ✔Where stories live. Discover now