This Could Be Worse?

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Chapter 17!!!

Yay people want updates!:)

Narry Christmas and a Narry new year:)

Thank you for 1k!:')

Hope you like this one!:))

P.s. I really like Harry's POV right now so it's going to be his POV for quite some time


*Harry's POV*

I just got a boner in front of Niall. I just got a boner in front of Niall. I JUST GOT A BONER IN FRONT OF NIALL! HOW WAS I GOING TO EXPLAIN THIS?

"Hazza?" Niall knocked on the bathroom door sounding innocent.

I didn't answer because, what was I suppose to say? I just got a boner in front of my best mate and that's only happened in front of Lou when we were watching a movie with Megan Fox but, it's not the same 'cause Lou has gotten one from her too. Maybe I should marry Louis. No, I couldn't take him. Plus, Liam would kill me.

"HARRY!" Niall banged on the door.

"What?" I say quietly and the banging stops.

"It's okay! I know you find Taylor hot because she's bitchy and-" I swung open the door.

"Are you fucking serious?"

"Yeah." He shrugged and looked at the ground.

"I hate Taylor." I scoffed.

"Then why.."

"I don't know. I'm going to Lou's." I walk past him and head down the stairs pulling on my shoes.

"You are at Louis'" Niall raised his eyebrows at me at the top of the stairs.

"I'm going to Zayn's." I walk out of Louis' house.

Actually, I have no idea where Zayn lives because he doesn't like us coming over so I have no idea where I'm going. Something moves behind me. Oh great, it's Niall or Louis but probably Niall.

"Stop following me, Ni." I say but keep walking not even thinking about turning around.

"No." He walks faster until he's right behind me.

I don't say anything and walk as fast as I can. He won't give up and I have no idea why!

"Harry! C'mon, I just wanna talk!" I stop walking and listen as he comes up behind me breathing heavy.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"It's not a big deal.. That happened! You need to get over it!"

"'Kay." I start walking again ignoring the voice in my head to stop being a dick and say I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm ignoring it.

Now he's walking next to me. It's awkward, not because the boner thing but because I'm being a dick and once again it's my fault. I don't know where I'm walking so I start toward my house, I don't really have any where to go where he wouldn't follow me. I don't even know why he's following me!

"Why are you following me?" I mumble and hope he won't hear me because I don't really want him to hear me.

"I want to."


"Because you're my friend."

I walk faster and leave him behind a little. Maybe he'll leave now, not that I want him to but I think it's best that he does leave for awhile. I feel a vibration and it's stupid but it kind of scared me because people don't usually text me unless it's Lou.

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