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Chapter 18!!

You saw this coming, and by this I mean the title.

Niall's POV!!

Dedicating this chapter to _eddster_ for the amazing comments that make me smile:)

Okay so I don't know how far I'm going to go with Daydreaming yet but I am thinking of another one already!

I'll stop rambling one of these days..

*Niall's POV*

I felt an arm snake around my side. I don't think anyone is suppose to be in my bed unless it's a dream. I open my eyes a little as I feel something on my ear.

"Niall." It whispered.

"Harry?" I could be dreaming so I took careful steps. I turn to face him trying to focus my eyes to see if he's real.

"Hey." He says simply and quietly and it's driving me mad from the way he's talking slower than usual.

"You're back!" I say and yawn.

"Louis' grandpa sent me back." I look at him weird. Louis' grandpa? Where exactly did he go?

"Louis' grandpa?" I rub my eyes and make sure I'm not going insane.

"Long story, I'll tell you some day." I roll my eyes knowing he's not going to.

"Shoes off, Styles." He should know by now I despise shoes in bed.

"Go back to sleep, Ni."

"You just got here!" I whine fighting my tired eyes trying to fall shut.

"I'll be here when you wake up. Now sleep babe." He pecks my nose and I'm pretty sure my bodies on fire from, well just Harry. My eyes finally win and they fall closed.

I smile a little smile to know I'm falling asleep in his arms.


I wake up to an empty bed. Either that was a dream or he lied. I open my bedroom door and walk downstairs smelling food. Mm food! Just what I need!

Harry is scrambling eggs with no shirt and just his boxers. I rub my eyes and make this is not a dream because it seems like it would be. I walk in trying to be casual and sit down on the stool in front if the counter top, what my mum likes to call the Breakfast Nook.

"Mornin' sunshine." He says and sends me a cheeky smile.

"Why are you making me breakfast?" I eye the bacon and lock my lips slightly, bacon is my weakness and he knows that. What's he trying to do? After I told him I'm gay he's been acting weird. I don't know, maybe I'm falling for him harder.

"To let you know I'm sorry." He sets a plate down in front of me and slides the eggs onto it.

"About what?" I stick the eggs in my mouth and moan. Not a dirty moan but man! He's a fabulous cook! Woah, my gay is showing! Louis would kill me if I said that to him.

"Well, I guess being an idiot and a dick." I laugh at him. He was being an idiot.

"Your eggs make up for everything." I finish the eggs and eye the bacon again, I can feel him watching me but I just want that bacon.

"The bacon will be better." He flashes his dimples at me and puts the bacon on my plate shutting off the stove.

I put the bacon in my mouth and moan from the taste in my mouth, it's that good! I hear Harry start to laugh and I roll my eyes, he's way to proud of his cooking skills.

"What do you want to do today, Ni?" He walks towards me leaving the dishes in the sink in front of me.

"I don't know. It's Sunday so.. maybe a movie day?" He smiles brightly at me and I can feel the butterflies exploding in my stomach.

Daydreaming : Narry ✔Where stories live. Discover now