We Didn't Break Evenly

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~ Chapter 12 ~

*Zayn's POV* 

Everyone was a wreck. I was the only one who wasn't mad at someone else. I was fed up with everyone hiding their feelings from each other because they "thought they weren't good enough". Bullshit! They should just tell each other. I shouldn't be talking like this, I won't ever tell my friends that I don't have a girlfriend and I still have the hots for Louis.

Niall won't stop moping around, I mean I understand what he's going through but he needs to move on for now! Him and Harry would have a rocky road getting back to where they were and honestly, if Harry doesn't want more than a friendship with Niall then they can't be friends.

Harry doesn't talk to me that much, infact he only talks to Lou and his band mates. People are starting to notice how Harry and Louis aren't their loud and cheeky selves, not that they care but the rumors are bad and Niall hates them.

Louis hates Liam now. He talks shit about him everytime we talk. He always comes to my house and we end up going to a pub down town. He's good friends with the owner so he sneaks us drinks, Louis ends up getting drunk and complaining and talking gibberish. I always end up driving him back to my house and he falls asleep in my arms. It's the worst part and I'm sick of it but I also couldn't ask for a better way to sleep.

Liam is different. He has a girlfriend named Danielle (Sorry if I spelt this wrong, I don't have spell check on my computer.) and he only hangs out with her and her group of stuck up douchebags. He's only spoke to me once this week and that was to ask how Niall is, I don't understand why he just doesn't ask him himself.

I'm still the same. I still like Louis and I like to paint. I don't get why I'm in this fight it's useless. Niall right now won't stop asking about Harry, what am I soppused to say? It's not like he talks to me!

"-And I'm really annoyed with Lou." I guess Niall had been talking this whole time. Whoops!

"Why?" I asked as the teacher in Maths started the lesson. I didn't care, I was a good student anyway.

"He's so jealous of Liam and his girlfriend he tried snogging me yesterday!" Niall threw his head in his hands groaning.

"Louis' just being stupid!"

"Zayn, you're not helping." He raised his head out of his hands and looked at me dissapointedly.

"What do you want me to say?" I was usally helpful with advice, according to the other lads, but I guess I didn't feel up to it.

"Something helpful!"

We didn't talk the rest of class and when the bell rang Niall just sat there staring at the wall like the words from his mind were leaking out of it. I was wrong. He needed Harry, friend or more than a friend it didn't matter anymore.

*Louis' POV*

I can't believe I'm this stupid. No wait, I can believe it because I am this stupid! I guess I'm the kind of guy that tries to snog his best friend becuase he's lonely! I'm a fucking asshole. i've tried to make it up to him but I think I'm making it worse. No, Liam is making ME worse.

"Move Tomlinson!" Someone pushes me off to the side in the hall. 

"Sorry." I mumbled and pushed past everyone.

I ran into someone, again, and was startled to find who it was.

"Niall?" He was on the ground crying against the lockers.

"What Lou?" He said harshly through his tears.

"I've been trying to find you all day to tell you I'm sorry I'm an idiot but I'm more concerned about you now. What happened?"

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