Tell Me, What Should I Do?

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Chapter 11! I don't have anything to say so read!

*Niall's POV*

Why I said what I said to Harry, I don't even know. I have no idea what was going through my head when I said the most untrue words I have ever said. So standing in Louis' kitchen the day after Christmas getting screamed at by Louis, Zayn and Liam was worth it. I didn't really care to be honest. I deserved what I'm getting from what I said to Harry.

"He's sleeping you know." They were litterally screaming and I was more concerned then anything that Harry would wake up and try to see what was going on.

"Oh, I'm sorry Niall I didn't know you didn't want to wake him up and CAUSE HIM EVEN MORE PAIN!" Louis tried lunging at me, unlucky for me Liam held him back.

"I don't know what happened. I mean I'm kinda bi but I don't know for sure but I yelled at Harry for nothing." They all stared at me staying quiet. "I don't even know why I'm here because honestly I wanted to apologise but I know he's not going to forgive me. I was mad because I kinda like him and I don't want him to be bi so he can like me back, he deserves better and we all know it. I'm starting to get over whatever it was I felt for him. I just feel like the most terrible person in the world and I should. So tell me, what should I do?"

"I think that I'll stay with you for awhile." Liam stated and pushed Louis off of him.

"No Liam-" I started but was cut off by his hand flying to my mouth to cover it.

"Louis, until this whole shit is over with them I'm going to stay with Niall while you and Zayn stay on Harry's side. Okay babe?" Louis nodded at him before grabbing ahold on him and kissing him.

I turned to Zayn to see if he was going to say anything. He looked at the ground not moving a muscle, his lip was in between his teeth like he was trying to keep from saying anything he'd regret. Zayn was smart. He stayed out of these situtations, he was a good guy and I just made him hate me. What have I done?!

"Ni, it's okay I forgive you. But just be wise and stay away from Harry for awhile yeah?" I nodded as I realized I'm loosing two of my best friends because I'm fucking stupid.

"Come on Niall, I'll take you home." Liam led me out the door before I could say goodbye to Louis and Zayn.

We got in the car and drove in silence for awhile. I don't think that he wants to stay with me, I think he'd rather just not deal with me anymore. I would understand if he didnt want to. Honestly, I prefer to be alone right now so I can slice open my skin again. I've been wishing that for too long now and it's not that I want to die it's that I just want to not feel anything or not feel this. I wish Liam wouldn't have to be here so I can fucking sob till I can't breath.

"Ni, We're here come on or I'm carrying you." I must have fell asleep because when I opened my eyes we were sitting in the driveway.

"Oh." I opened the car door and looked up at my house, this didn't feel like home anymore.

"Do you want me to stay tonight?" Even though it was only somewhere around noon he was kinda asking to go back to his boyfriend.

"No you don't have to Liam I'll be fine." Lie. I was going to cry for hours.

"Okay." He looked at me his facing lighting up with an idea. "Listen, this may sound like a bad idea but call Harry tonight. I know you're confused but try to tell Harry what you told us! Please just try Niall!"

"Okay, I'll try." I hugged him tight before walking into my empty house. My mum's not home yet. Louis' the only one of the boys thats offically met my mum, she's a little busy all the time.

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