Where's Reality?

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Chapter 14! Alot more reads!:)

I'm excited for this chapter:)))

Hope it's not too confusing!

*Niall's POV* (9 months later)

The past 9 months in Ireland haven't been as bad and lonely as I thought it'd be. When I moved there in Janurary I didn't really have any friends or know anyone. When we arrived at my mum's friend house I thought I would be miserable living with six kids. Nope! My mum's friend had a 15 year old daughter named Sam and she was HOT! And I'm gay, well kinda, but that says something. She had brown curly hair and green eyes, not as green and beautiful as Harry's but green. We dating for 7 months and I'm coming back to England not a virgin I guess you could say.

Louis only came to visit once and that was around August, it wasn't the same and I'm not looking forward to going back to Holmes Chapel. My girlfriend cheated on me, I was robbed (by this dick named Garret) and I've changed. I got taller, I got my braces off, my looks have improved and my hair and clothes have improved. I don't really want to see Harry, he was the only thing I thought about for 9 months even when I liked my girlfriend.

I just can't help but to worry, what if my friends don't like me anymore? No, I can't think like that. I was 16 now and I had to- screw it I'm a baby and I'm about to cry. I'm waiting in the airport for my plane to leave and I'm panicking. Louis hasn't called or text me in months, something happened and I wasn't part of it or them anymore. I should have never left.

"Ni!" My mum rubbed my back as I gave up on being strong and started crying. "Ni, baby, what's wrong?"

"W-what if my friends don't l-like me anymore?" I sobbed out. God, I was such a baby!

"Niall! How can you say that? They love you and were so broken up about you leaving." My mum hugged me to her and stroked my head calmingly.

"You're right." I let a few more tears slide out as they annouced our flight.

We walked to the plane in silence, once we go back my mum was going to dissapear everyday again. This was going to be a hard year.

We got in our seats and got settled. My mum turned to me once we were off. "Niall, is this really about Harry?"

I snapped my head up. How the hell did she know? "What?"

"Louis called me a couple nights ago and told me you and Harry have a.. thing."

"It's not a thing mum." I sighed and pinched my templed. "We got in a couple fights and had some misunderstandings."

"Niall, I know you fancy Harry!" I blushed as she grinned. "It's okay to have sex with a boy!"

"Mum!" I groaned. Gosh, my mum could be so embarassing. "That's not all I want from him!"

"I know honey. I know you love him." I groaned and closed my eyes for the rest o the flight.

How could I possibily love someone I haven't seen in 9 months?


I flight the plane jolt to a stop letting me know that we were here, my really home. I started to panic again, I would have to start school and see Harry all poular and shit. No, that's not the worst. The worst is that he promised to skype me and never did once. Wow, now I'm angry.

My mum bumped me to move from my seat and after a few groans I finally moved. Everything went in slow motion as I exited the plane, the people piled out of the plane so I couldn't really see anything. I heard someone call out but then I realized, who would come to see me?

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