chapter 10

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Ophelia's POV.

I carried some documents in my arms, heading to my father's office.

They were Empire enterprise related documents, I had finished working on them and I was taking them to the boss for the final signatures.

I opened my father's office door without knocking and noticed he was talking to a mob member. None of them noticed my presence.

The man, Raymond I presume, leaned on my father's desk. "The police are after them, one of them is severely injured."

"What caused the injury and why are the police after them?"

"I can't say boss but the target is fatally injured, arms and legs are on the brink of being amputated."

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Yes. I think our man was provoked to shoot."

"This is bad, really bad."

"That's not our biggest problem now, they've escaped and are coming home but the last time I spoke to Alex he said our man had passed out and was losing blood fast."

Wait a minute, Alex?....... Went out with Luke this morning. Oh My God!!!

"Who is injured?" I asked notifying them of my presence.

"I can't say miss."

"What do you mean you can't say?" I dropped the document on the floor and gripped his shirt.

"My love, calm down." My father intervened. "We'll know soon enough."

"How long will it take them to get here?" I asked.

"They should be here before six."

I picked the documents, placed them on my father's desk and stormed out of his office praying that it wouldn't be Luke.



I had changed from my previous clothing into a cotton T-shirt and matching thin cotton pants. I paced outside the front door, waiting for a car to pull up. My dad was outside too but not as anxious as I was. Something was wrong, very wrong.
I stopped pacing when a black sleek car pulled up. The same car Luke left with this morning.

Alex came out of the car, His dress shirt all bloody. His brother and Nicholas did the same but no Luke.

If Alex was the injured man he looked strong.
Wait!....... The injured man was unconscious, that could only mean.......Luke!!!

I watched in horror as they pulled his limp body out of the car, his face was deathly white and all his body was soaked in blood.

My father pulled me into a hug, telling me not to panic. More men came out of the house to help and they took his body to the infirmary. He didn't look like he was breathing, was he still alive?

"Ophelia, I need you to calm down honey. You're hyperventilating." My dad said.

Calm down? I should calm down? No......I think I've lost all my marbles already.

I broke the embrace and walked up to Nicholas.

"Nick, are you okay? Are you hurt?"

He managed a weak smile. "No."

I turned him around just to be sure. I inspected every inch of his body.

No injury found. Good.

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