chapter 30

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I let Aubrey move me to the couch, away from her furious sister.

Jessie made space for me and Aubrey sat besides me.

Anabelle walked up to us and crossed her arms across her chest.

"So spill, what's your name? Your full name." She said trying to intimidate me.

I laughed. If she thought she could intimidate a Mafia heir, she had another thing coming.

"You're not playing fair Anabelle, how can I tell you my full name when I don't even know yours."

"Fine I'll tell you mine."

If she really wanted to be intimidating, she should have stood her ground and not offered information about herself before I gave out mine.

"Anabelle O'Leary."

"No middle name?" I asked.

"None whatsoever."

"Ophelia Diamanté Antonio."

"Antonio?" She asked surprised, obviously thinking of the Empire Enterprises.

"Not the Antonio you know." I lied trying not to link myself to my father and my rich lifestyle. The last thing I needed was to have my cover blown.

"Where are you from?" She asked obviously satisfied with my first answer.

"Italy. Where are you from Anabelle?"

"You know very well I don't know that but I was born in Italy."

"Ti rendi conto di quello che to appena detto? {Do you understand what I just said?}" I asked.


Her parents are obviously not from Italy.

"You're not Italian." I explained to her.

We stared at each other for a while.

"When did you start.... You know.... Doing what you do?" She asked, her face flushed in embarrassment.

I sighed deeply. How do I explain this while keeping my identity and the Mafia a secret?

"Anabelle, I'm not a p..." I remembered the kids sitting besides me and I racked my brain for a more subtle word to replace the word prostitute. Whore, bitch, slut? None of those words were actually child friendly.

"I'm not a ...... a ....... what you think I am." I continued, hoping she would understand.

She snorted. "You expect me to believe that?" She said, obviously considering the factors that pointed out to what I actually was.

"No, I don't expect you to believe it but give me a chance to explain myself then you can decide if you want to believe me or not."

She looked surprised at my sincerity, she moved to sit on the couch, lifting Aubrey up so she could carry her on her lap. Stubborn as always, Aubrey refused but one stern look from Anabelle was all it took for her to oblige.

"Things weren't always like this. I was very happy and content a few months ago but when things got out of hand and beyond my control, I ran away from home."

Aubrey gasped. "You ran away from home?" She asked, her television show not important anymore.

"Why?" Jessie asked the question her two sisters wanted to ask.

"I got into a fight with my dad because I didn't want to get married."

"Why didn't you want to get married?" Aubrey asked.

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