chapter 35

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I awoke the next day to see Ophelia staring at me.

"You stayed." She said softly, making me wonder if she slept throughout the night.


Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. I knew a dire consequence would be waiting for me back at the mansion.

I looked into her pretty eyes and knew the consequence was worth it.

Her eyes were the same colour as honey left in the sun.

After a while she rolled off the bed. I assumed she was going to use the toilet.

"You can walk now?"

"More like hobble." She tested her injured leg. She gathered some clothes and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

I took the opportunity to bring out my gadgets: laptop, tablet, phone, etc and plugged them into a power source.

I switched my phone on and let it boot.

After booting, it was flooded with notifications: text messages, voice messages, emails, etc.

I sighed deeply..... There's no turning back now.

I called Brandon first, he'd sent the most text messages and emails.


"So nice of you to return my calls Valentino."

"What do you want?"

He gasped at my rudeness. Well he should know, I'm a very busy man.

"You were supposed to sign our alliance in place of your boss...."

One of the things the mob side of the Empire did was to provide protection for clubs, brothels, hotels or little cartels and there was always a formal agreement stating that they would pay a certain sum and we would take them under our wing. Anyone who posed a threat to them indirectly posed a threat to us and they were eliminated immediately, even if assailant was on the defensive side.

"Sorry about that, I was on vacation." I cut him off, after letting him rant for a while.

He snorted.

"You call frolicking with a woman a vacation?"

Raymond. I forgot turning my phone on would tell them my current location, this idiot must be at the mansion.

"I'd watch my tongue if I were you."

"You're not denying it Valentino."

I geared the topic away from my vacation and discussed about the alliance, the pros and cons and important terms of service, making him understand because some people go straight to the signing column without reading to understand what they were getting themselves into.

By the time Ophelia was out of the bathroom, I had responded to three calls.

I put my finger on my lips, signaling her to keep quiet. No good was going to come out from someone recognising her voice as they listened to my tapped conversation.

She understood and mouthed she was going to get breakfast then she hobbled out of the room.

I slipped on my Bluetooth earpiece and switched my phone for my laptop, multitasking.

She brought a big bowl of cereal, enough for two. We ate together but that didn't stop me from answering my calls and replying emails.

I got so engrossed in work that I forgot about breakfast. She spoonfed me, only pausing to let me reply the person at the other end.

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