chapter 40

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Kayden's POV

The first thing I did when I awoke was to smile. I spread my arm out but only met an empty bed. I frowned, was it all a dream?
I peeked an eye open for confirmation.

The bed was empty, the beautiful brunette from last night gone.

It couldn't have been a dream, I could smell her perfume. I sniffed some more, yeah, I was covered in her intoxicating scent.

I rolled on my back, reliving the memories of last night.

She was the first thing we noticed when we got to the club. Sitting at the bar, it was hard to miss her long hair and extremely long tanned legs that looked appealing in the short dress she was wearing.

Just thinking about it was causing my body to react.

She didn't look like she was from around here because that skin colour was from a climate much warmer than Britain.

"Whoa, would you look at that?..." Donnie, my friend, exclaimed as we sat around a table. "That's a mean package over there."

"Yeah, too bad she's already taken." Terry the youngest observed, as some guy chatted with her.

She said something and he stood up to leave.

This continued for a while, more guys trying to vie for her attention. She didn't speak much but when she was done talking they all left, red face and angry.

When Donnie couldn't take it anymore, he called out to the last guy she talked to. "Hey dude, what gives?"  He asked, gesturing to the brunette with his head.

"That one? She's a total bitch with a smart mouth just playing hard to get!" He punched his fist into his palm and walked away angrily.

Talk about anger and rejection issues.

"Nothing I can't handle." Donnie cracked his fingers.

"You sure about that Donnie?" Adrian asked when the brunette flipped another guy off.

"Totally. She'll be coming home with me by the time I'm through with her."

"You wanna bet on that?" Adrian asked smirking.

"Yeah dude, if I win, you guys are going to pay five hundred pounds each."

"And if I win?" Adrian asked.

"We'll pay you five hundred pounds each." Donnie said dismissively.

"I'm in!" Terry said.

"I think I'll sit this one out guys." I couldn't bear the thought of being rejected, it would destroy what little self-esteem I had.

"Oh come on Kayden, don't be such a spoilsport. Everyone has different ways of charming women, I'm sure if you talk about cars, she'll warm up to you. Don't let this chance pass you by." Donnie said encouragingly.

Now that I thought about it, Donnie said that because he didn't want to lose five hundred pounds.

Terry snickered, knowing very well I couldn't do it. Adrian's face was expressionless. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to."

"Don't discourage him AD." Donnie frowned. "Look, we'll draw straws, the person with the shortest straw goes last." He said, taking our straws from our drinks the waitress had dropped on our table some minutes ago.

"How come you get to cut the straws?" Adrian asked.

"Because I brought up the idea." He passed the straws around, Terry picked first and let out a cry of frustration because his was obviously the shortest, Adrian picked next, then me, finally Donnie was left with the last straw.

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