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Park Minhee

"How many years have we known each other?" I asked, curious. I didn't quite remember him too well, but I had the faint feeling that he actually was he love of my life. Seems to me, by the was his face lightened up when I called him oppa, and the way he told me he loved me was enough to say that he was the love of my life. I did somehow, like my heart was telling me the boy of my dreams was Jungkook.

"Around 2 years, one year of being friends, and our anniversary is soon," he said, kissing my cheek, making them blush. Wait.. I remembered my dream the other time, then who was the guy I was celebrating our anniversary with? Maybe it was a dream after all... I shoved off my thoughts for a while. "When?" I asked, curious once again, I felt like a bad girlfriend for hardly remembering anything. Not even our anniversary. "Since you still don't remember, I'll take advantage of that. It's a surprise," he said, I pouted at him as he poked my nose and kissed it right after. "You're so cute," he said, smiling. He's really the one who's cute.

"We're just getting started, Jagiya. I'll help you remember, and it all begins here, in the neighborhood," he smiled as he took my hand and led me downstairs, waving goodbye to my beloved parents as we walked out the front door, inhaling the fresh air. "Where are you taking me?" I said as we strolled around the sidewalk, looking around. "You used to live with me, you know," he smiled as we approached a rather big house. He stopped walking as he dug into his pockets, probably looking for something. I noticed a rather deformed tree not so far, "do you know what happened to that tree?" I asked as Jungkook found his keys. "Um," he gulped, "well for all I know, that tree used to have our mark." He gave what seemed to be a smile that was kind of forced, and proceeded to opening the front door of the house. "Wait, this is yours?" I asked, amazed. What do I expect? He's rich as fuck. "Well, it was ours, though we decided to let you stay in your parents' home due to your condition. For now, I'm also staying at the Bangtan dorm since it was closer to BigHit," he explained as he led me in, the first thing that caught my eye was the piano. Wow.

"This was his song for you," I remembered Sanyeon say after I played Butterfly by memory... Maybe it was Jungkook's. I noticed the exact same song when I listened to their album in attempt to remember anything.

I tried to familiar myself with the surroundings, seeing pictures of him and I on the walls, recognizing the kitchen in one of the dreams I had. Oh, it was him then? I approached the grand piano by the living room and sat down once again. I run my hands gently on the keys, also hearing footsteps going close to where I was. I closed my eyes and tried to work my 'magic' as I let my fingers play the instrument. I started playing a soothing yet sad melody, it was rather bittersweet. The type of music that'd make you cry because of what it aims to make you feel, yet you wouldn't want to stop hearing it.

Then again, something flashed in my head.

"Do well on tour, Oppa. Please take care." I said with a sad smile on my face. Jungkook cupped my face and looked at me in the eyes, kissing me on the lips. "I will, Jagiya," he said as he wrapped his arms around me tightly as I hugged him back, failing to hold back the tears that threatened to fall from my eyes due to my vulnerable state because of my boyfriend leaving me, yet again. He let go of the hug, wiping away my tears with his shirtsleeve. "Don't cry, Minhee. I'll always be here for you, and remember our promise?" He said with hopeful eyes as he held both my hands, caressing my knuckles with his thumb. "Until the end, Oppa," I sobbed, he gave me a light smile, but I knew deep inside he was breaking as well. "Until the end, Jagiya."

"Yah Maknae! We have to go, mianhae," we were interrupted by the sound of Yoongi's voice. "I'll see you soon, Jagiya. Wait for me, arasseo?" He gave me one last kiss, "saranghae, Jungkook," I said. "Jungkook, ppali, ppali! Kaja!" I heard Namjoon say, "saranghae, Minhee. I'll be back," he said and rushed off to boarding the plane, leaving me there watching him go.

'It's only 6 months,' I thought. 'I'll be fine.'

I stopped playing as tears suddenly rushed down my face, I felt Jungkook sit beside me as I faced him with throbbing pain in my head once again. He wiped away my tears with his sleeve just like he did in the memory that just played in mind. "Y-You left for tour," I managed to speak out as he wrapped his arms around me. "And I came back, like I promised," he said while hugging me. "The song... It's the one I listen to when I'm away from you, because it was also the song you played for me when I first found out you knew piano, and the more I fell in love with you." He explained, that song must have held many memories. It must have been special. I widened my eyes in realization as if a light bulb just lit up above my head. "Indigo, right?" I said as I tried to remember when I showed him my piano skills. One day, I will perhaps. "Yes, Minhee. You're remembering," he flashed a loving smile as tears formed in his eyes, it was my turn to wipe them away. My heart started beating fast as our faces inched closer and closer, and before I knew it, we closed our eyes and let our lips make contact. Long and passionate, full of love.

"I love you, Park Minhee."

"And I love you, Jeon Jungkook."

— —
A/N: i find this chapter cheesy and sad what even, i wrote this while listening to yiruma's piano songs. they never fail to make me go from completely abnormal fangirl to vulnerable crying child real quick. i just really love indigo so i placed it here heh. mianhae for not updating for a v long time :< i am a busy person. though i love y'all so i try my best hihi ok bye now xx

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