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Jeon Minhee

"I've had enough."

My wrists bled and sweat rushed down my neck as I attempted to break off the tie that held me back from my freedom.

I grunted, panting rapidly as the rope was taking a while to break. Bit by bit, the pieces of fiber started tearing apart, much to my relief. "Just a bit more..."

"Jinyoung! Help! Open this door please!" Chanyeol hadn't arrived, this was my chance to escape this hell hole. I didn't even know how I managed to survive.

"Minhee! What in the world are you doing?" he asked with furrowed eyebrows and an anxious, worried expression. "Breaking free."

He sighed, "I'm dead meat when he comes back."

"Who said I wasn't taking you with me? You've done so much, and you've been surprisingly nice to me. You don't deserve to be here," I sincerely spoke, looking into his umber colored eyes, seemingly pleading to be set free as well.

"Jinyoung! I'm back!"

"Shit," I obscenely cursed, laying low as I tried to find an exit.

"Minhee, listen. Follow me. In 3... 2-"

"What in the world-"


He grabbed my hand as we were greeted by a pair of unfamiliar doors. He swiftly unlocked them, as my eyes landed on the desolated area we were located in. I panicked, already not knowing what to do.

"Hold on tight," He gripped my hand reassuringly as he grabbed my confused figure onto his back. Seriously, how fucking strong is he?

"What the fuck-"

"Hey! You two! What are you doing?"

"Ready?" He asked as I hesitantly nodded, holding onto his shoulders like my life depended on it. Well, it really did.

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Jeon Jungkook

"Ready?" Dr. Byun asked as I gave a small nod, closing my eyes as he run the test.

Silence filled the room, only filled with the sound of the machine running. I remained still, while the man not so far by was examining the registering results.

A few minutes passed, and the scan was finished. I stood up from where I settled, walking toward the concentrated man. Dr. Byun had furrowed eyebrows as he processed what was displayed onto the screen before him. As much as I thought I did, I never really understood how this test works.

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Jeon Minhee

I never really understood whatever Jinyoung and Chanyeol were. However, definitely, they weren't purely human— perhaps just some supernatural being we thought only existed in movies, books— the fictional world in general.

So, what in the world was happening now?

"JINYOUNG WHAT THE FUCK," I screamed as our figures slowly ascended, the distance from the ground increasing by the minute. "Trust me, Minhee," he replied calmly as the wind strongly met with our flying bodies.

I was confused as I wasn't entirely aware of his abilities. Did Chanyeol know how to fly, too? I mentally questioned, extremely worried, however it seemed to me that he wasn't following us.

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