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(overall editing will be done after the book is completed.)


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Third Person POV

"Jeon Minhee?"

The girl scrunched her eyebrows in perplexity as her male accompany peacefully slurped up the newly bought ramen, observing as a confusing encounter was unraveling between the two shocked human beings.

The masked male examined her profile carefully in attempt to confirm his assumption. Indeed, it was Minhee, his long lost best friend. He willed to search every nook and cranny of the world just to find her, but now she was here, right now, in front of him. He was mostly relieved that she was finally back, joyous as well as he figured her safety. Although worry and anxiety were still around the corner of his mind, he saved the hundreds of questions for later and didn't let those negative thoughts dominate him for now. At the moment, he knew she was safe, and he was contented with that fact.

The woman, on the other hand, noted to herself that she did not know the man at all, however the look his coffee tinted irises screamed, "fucking recognize me, goddamn it, Jeon Minhee pabo!!!"
Therefore, she tried to make out the identity of the man, however she failed as the dark piece of clothing covering almost his whole face prohibited her to do so.

"I-I hope you don't mind me asking, but... who exactly are you?" She let out an awkward chuckle as she scratched the back of her head. The eyes of the man before her saddened a tad bit, his shoulders slumping forward, showing off a rather disappointed demeanor. Soon enough, noticing his reaction, she panicked, "d-don't get me wrong!! It's just that, I couldn't quite recognize you due to your mask???" She mentally cringed at her actions, "damn it, Minhee, you've just made everything worse."

The male continued to gulp down the streaming hot soup down his throat as he tried to hold back his laugh while staring at the figure of his stuttering friend. "Aish, jinjja. This girl, I swear to god," he shook his head.

"Really, Minhee? You couldn't recognize this swag master of all tongue technology? Damn, I should really dedicate a diss track for all the trouble you've caused me. No three dollar golden chains for you no more boo," the hints of Satoori bled from the sound his deep, baritone voice as he spoke with glints of hope, nostalgia and amusement all mixed together. Within a few milliseconds, the eyes of the girl he loved all his life widened once again as she jumped and practically suffocated the man in a huge, tight bear hug. She squealed in excitement over her surprised meeting with her dearly missed best friend. "Yoongi!"

"Sshh," the man brought out his index finger, hushing the girl. "Do you seriously want to get mobbed by wild animals?"

"Wild animals?" The brunette tilted her head.

"Fangirls," the professional rapper replied nonchalantly, as she silently mouthed an ahh, nodding in agreement.

"Ahem," Jinyoung interrupted, feeling rather out of place. Minhee quickly realized that she had been ignoring the man who had technically saved her and brought her for a trip up in the day lit sky hours ago. "Omo, I'm sorry. Okay, Yoongi, this is Jinyoung. Jinyoung, this is Yoongi," she introduced awkwardly (basically she was an awkward mess in this current situation, a seemingly oversized coat given by Jinyoung [god knows wherever the hell he got it] draped around her weak and wounded body with the cold winter weather were not helping either.)

The two men looked over at each other, a tough and strong aura soon erupting through them. A sudden boost of protectiveness shot through them like sparks of electricity triggering the nerves of their well-built figures. Although, Jinyoung was still a little taller than Yoongi. The serious look painted upon their faces (resting bitch face fam, basically) didn't contribute at all to easing the sudden tension.

"The name's Yoongi," his voice went from baritone to bass, his glare firing bullets targeting Jinyoung's eyes. The other let out a deep chuckle, a tiny drop of fake amusement leaking through it. He held out his hand for the shorter man to shake, remembering his manners. "Jinyoung," his sly smirk falling with the low resonance of his name smoothly slipping through his glossy, plump lips.

The males shared an intense staring contest for a while as the utterly confused and, well, still awkward woman stood there, continuously fiddling with her fingers as she debated on whether or not she should interrupt and snap both of them back into reality. However, they beat her to it.

"So, who's this guy to you? How'd you meet him?" They questioned in sync, quickly shooting daggers at each other right after.

"Who the fuck is he and what is he doing with my best friend?" Yoongi worded in his head, eyes scanning the boy from head to toe.

"Who the fuck is he and how is he associated with Minhee?" Jinyoung thought as well as he mirrored the rapper's actions.

"A-Ah! Explanations. Right," Minhee stammered as she mentally prompted what she was supposed to say to the two men she was close to. "Okay, basically, Yoongi's my best friend, maybe even brother, and Jinyoung's my... savior I guess," she said, still quite unsure if what she said even made sense or was correct in general.

"Best friend?"


The pair threw disgusted looks toward each other as the turned to face the woman they especially had a soft side for. To be honest, they didn't know why they felt a wave of possessiveness wash through them all of a sudden. Is this what you call... hate at first sight?

"Jinyoung practically saved me from the evil people who kidnapped me, specifically Park Chanyeol. As for Yoongi, I've known him for a very long time now as he was always there for me when life's shit seemed to be unbearable. I think it was since my bro-" my sentence got caught off with the sudden image of a boy that was so important to me suddenly flashed through my mind. I grabbed the masked boy's shoulders and shook them rapidly, a worried and impatient demeanor soon flowing through me. I didn't even give a shit that a few people were already staring us, nor that my ramen was already cold.

"Min Yoongi!!! Where are they?! Where's Jimin, my brother?! Where are the rest of the boys?! Eomma and Appa?! And... Jungkook, my husband... my children! Cheonsa and Sarang?! Where are they? Tell me, please," I exclaimed with pleading eyes as they gradually started to swell, I tried to hold back the tears once again however.

The boy let out an awkward chuckle, "um..."

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A/N: hello my beloved readers~ okay im so sorry for rarely having time to update ASDFGHJKL i am a very busy person and yall probs know that by now.

okay the next chapter may or may not be the final?¿?¿ hehe


also if ever you need someone to talk to about literally anything like it could be about hoseok's forehead, the gayness of viktor and yuuri or even how much you hate luke hemmings for being so attractive and talented until we get to those deep ass conversations about life and it's shit y'all im always here alright you can talk to me fam~ (pls i need friends)


PS: I AM SLOWLY DROWNING INTO ANIME (recently i finished yuri!!! on ice I AM ACTUALLY CRYING WHILE LISTENING TO THE PLAYLIST ASDFGHJKL ITS TOO BEAUTIFUL IT HURTS FAM) so if y'all have any recommendations comment or pm me!!! (im fond of romance but tbh any rlly good phan recommendation worthy anime would be greatly appreciated thANKS)

i know, i'm trash.

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