It Begins!

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I don't know where I am, or what I'm doing here. All I know is that I was in a small, dark room, with not even a chair for me to sit on. The floor was made of cold concrete, but for some reason they seemed very inviting, as if I could lay down and fall into a dreamless sleep with no problem. I couldn't seem to remember my own name, I couldn't even remember my family. Although I could remember a dog, as strange as it is, a yellow Lab that I called Bozo.

A loud bang broke me form my thoughts, as I look up I see a large man standing in a doorway that previously wasn't there. "Get your ass up, boy!! Time for some fun, boy!" He yells as he picks me up by the collar of my torn brown shirt. He caries me down a hall for about twenty yards, then he took a left and so on. I don't know how long he carried me, but by the time he dropped me on to the cold hard ground I was almost as blue as a blueberry. "Easy there Earn, no need to be so rough. He's very important to us, after all he is going to be the very first of our Daggers." An emotionless voice sounded above me.

This room was much more spacious then my original one, and it was also much better decorated. It was obviously the home of royalty. "Stand up my boy." The emotionless voice sounded yet again, as a hand gently grabbed my arm and helped me stand. "What do you mean I'll be your first Dagger, and what the hell is a Dagger anyway!?" I question the slightly taller man. My voice sounded deeper then I thought it should be. The man in front of me was in his late thirties and had brown hair, with deep brown eyes. He had a scar on his left check that went to the bottom of his eye to his chin.

"Oh my boy, its just a form of ninja that I am going to be making. Its something like Danzo's ROOT organization, except you will be allowed to keep all of your emotions. Oh and from now on call me Master." His voice sounded almost caring, it kinda creeped me out. He walked me out to the back yard where the sun shined brightly through the pink leaves of a large Sakura tree. There was a small garden to the right, with a shot woman with long black hair. "You will be trained by my lovely sister. She will hopefully be an adequate teacher for you. So can you tell me your name?" He questioned as we slowly walked toward his sister.

Then it hit me, I still couldn't remember my name. Although I was starting to get fuzzy pictures of people whom I can only guess were my friends. "No, I'm sorry but I can't!" I mumble as I look down. "Can you tell me how old you are?" He asked with a deep frown. I slowly shake my head no. His frown seemed to deepen as he looked at me. A small sigh slipped from his mouth, and slapped me on the shoulder. "Allow me to feel you in then my boy. You were from a young Hyuga woman and an Uchiha man, their Clans naturally banished them. As they stood with their child in arms, the only place they could go was to the Hokage. At this point it was Minato that held the hat. But not long after the nine-tails attached the hidden leaf, and I'm truly sorry to inform you that they didn't survive. So you have grown up on the streets along side a boy named Naruto, your name is Zulu, you are only nine." He explained with a frown.

As he rubbed the back of his head he stopped in front of his sister. "So do you have any questions?" He asked me with a smile, a very creepy smile. I nodded and looked him in the eye. "When do we start?"

Somewhere else in the Hidden Leaf



A small blonde boy around the age of nine was being chased through the streets by a large mob consisting of mostly ninja of the lowest level. The small boy had three whisker marks on each check, his eyes where the color of the sea. He took a left down an alleyway that took him to the Hokage Tower, but before he could even take to steps down the alley he was tackled. That was when the pain came, as the mob rained blow, after blow down on him.

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