First Kill

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Naruto was half way to the bridge when he saw a large smoke cloud form above the trees. By the looks of it, it looked to be coming from the bridge. "Damn, now i really need to hurry!" Naruto shouted as he sped up even more.

As he bounced from tree to tree his mind was focused on one person. Hinata. He couldn't help but worry about her, even though he knew that she could more then take care of herself. He just hoped that he made it in time to help out.

After another minute he could see the bridge and the people on it. He saw Yamato dodging attacks from Zabuza and another man. Kiba and Sasuke were fighting for their lives against a boy a little older then themselves.

Shino and the bridge builder were standing a little ways away from the fights. From the looks of it Shino didn't like sitting on the side lines.
Though he couldn't see his team he knew they were all alive and fairing quite well.

Thinking quickly he dropped the weights on his wrists and ankles, only leaving the vest. That was enough to give him the boost he needed, as he quickly appeared In Front of Sasuke effectively blocking a punch that would have knocked him out.

"Sooooo, who are you.......ya know what, that doesn't matter!" Naruto yelled, then sent the boy flying away with a powerful backhand. He rushed after him wanting to end it quickly, which he did as the boy wasn't fast enough to dodge the axe kick Naruto sent his way. "Tie him up, then go join Shino!" Naruto called out over to Sasuke, before running to help Yamato.

Yamato was in a bad spot as the unknown man was holding him from behind, as Zabuza had his sword raised ready to kill them both. "Now you die Yamato!!" Zabuza shouted evilly as he swung his sword down. Before it could make it to its objective it was kicked from Zabuza's hand by our favorite blonde.

"Step back Zabuza!" Naruto said and kicked him in the stomach. Zabuza saw it coming but couldn't react, so he was sent skidding back. Naruto quickly flash behind Yamato and knocked the other man off the wood user.
"Great timing Naruto!" Yamato said between pants. He nursed his left shoulder and stood back to his feet. "As always, but more importantly are you gonna be okay to keep fighting?" Naruto chuckled as he stared into Zabuza's face.

A small dry laugh escaped Yamato's lips, then he slipped back into his taijutsu stance. "As long as I can breath I will keep fighting!" Yamato proclaimed.

With Hinata

'These mirrors are starting to irritate me! He's not as fast as Naruto, but he's still pretty damn fast and it's all because of those fucking mirrors.' Hinata thought as she quickly blocked the needles the boy had thrown. She had only been hit once so far, but she would eventually run out of stem.

"Why don't you just give up, I really don't want to kill you." Haku mumbled as he pulled out more needles from his weapons pouch. "Hm, you really think you can kill me don't you? Why don't you come and prove it!?" Hinata smiled as she pulled out two kunai.

"Fine, have it your way." Haku growled and flashed into another mirror. He smiled as he watched Hinata stare at the mirror he used to be in, but that smile disappeared as he felt something worm run down his forearm. He slowly looked down his arm until he got to the spot he felt the most warmth. 'When did she throw that!? I didn't even see her movie, so how did she do it!?' Haku almost yelled in his head.

"You're over confident with your speed, though it is impressive it's nothing compared to Kakashi's. Now let us continue!" Hinata said as she looked directly at the ice user. Hinata quickly jumped up and grabbed Haku by the ankle as he tried to move to another mirror. Before Haku could react he was slammed onto the bridge hard enough for cracks to form on the bridge.

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