Kakashi-sensei is an Asshole!

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With Juno's team

"Who do think you'll go after first in the finals?" Juno asked the ever stoic Sai that was laying next a tree. This question caused Sai to sit up as he watch their sensei and Sakura spar. "Well I heard that dickless got hurt on a mission the other day, so most likely him. What about you tinytits?" Sai questioned as Juno grabbed her chest and glared at Sai.

"My tits are not tiny, there actually quite large for some one my age. And I'm probably going to go for that perv Kiba!" Juno growled as she released her chest and flopped onto the ground. Sai chuckled dryly as he continued to watch his other teammate. "Ugly seems to be doing better today! Maybe she'll be worth having as a teammate when this is over." The black haired artist said as Sakura lost her concentration and was knocked on her ass.

"Question, why do you call Sakura ugly? I mean I don't really like her but she is a pretty girl, we've already discussed my chest and sensei is far from a loud mouth!" Juno barked as Sai simply looked at her in what most would think was boredom. "Mainly because it pisses people off when I call them what they aren't." Sai said as he goes back to watching Sakura.

"Okay what would you call Shino?"

"Esay, chuckles."

"What about Kiba?"

"Hmm, smart one, I guess."





"So why exactly do you call Naruto dickless?" Juno asked the question she had been meaning to ask for the past five minutes. Sai at first thought about telling her, but decided just to mess with her. "Before I get to that I'll go over a couple other people. Firstly, Hinata would be bored, Zulu would just be asshole and Choji would be slim. Oh and Ino would be I honestly don't know." Sai said as he rubbed his chin.

"Okay those make sense, but what about Naruto?" Juno asked as she layed back onto the grass. When Sai didn't say anything Juno looked over at him, only to see him smiling slightly. "I'll tell you when your older!" The pail boy said with a small chuckle.  At first Juno made no reaction but soon her face turned red and the vains on her forehead popped out. "But were the same age, hell I might be a little older then you are!" The girls voice boomed through the forest.

With Team Guy

"Guy-sensei do you know where Lee is?" Tenten asked from her spoke in the trees. As she spoke she was constently throwing weapons at Neji to help him train. The green clad man simply stood unmoving as he watched his team trained. "Guy-sensei I too wish to know where Lee has gone!" Neji yelled from the center of the clearing that they were in. With a small sigh Guy gave in. "He went to see Naruto at the hospital!" Guy said as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

The Hospital

Lee silently stood in front of room 114 trying to find the right words to say. The green clad boy knew that he had to say something, but he wasn't sure what it was that he was going to say. Sighing Lee slowly slid the door open to find Naruto sitting on the hospital bed staring out the window. "Naruto you need to stop taking my lectures so lightly!" A stern voice growled from the corner, causing Lee to jump slightly and quickly turn his head.

Seeing that the voice was only Kakashi Lee quickly relaxed. That, however, changed as the white haired man looked in his direction. "Ah seems you have a visitor, I'll leave you two to talk!" Kakashi said, as his voice soffened. It was at that moment that Lee noticed the plain black katana hanging from Kakashis hip. Naruto nodded once as he looked from the window to Lee. "Okay and I still want to be there when you question those jounnin!" Naruto called as Kakashi waved his hand around.  As the white haired man left Lee slowly stepped forward in hopes to clam Narutos attention. "What's up Lee, you seem quieter then normal!" The blonde asked as he stood to his feet and limped towards his friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2018 ⏰

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