The Test

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Naruto and Zulu were jumping from rooftop to rooftop trying to get a way from the Hokage's personal guard. "You two get back here!" One of the guards yelled as he flipped out of the way of a balloon full of red paint. The two chuckled and threw a few more balloons at the ANBU. This went on for about two hours before they were effortlessly caught by Kakashi, who had his head in his book.

"I told you to have fun, not prank the Hyuga Compound. You could have gotten yourselves killed." He chided while holding them both by the back of their shirts with his left hand. It had been two long years sense they first started training with Kakashi and Guy, the two of them always trained alongside them. That didn't make it any easier for them, because both Kakashi and Guy seemed to enjoy kicking their little asses.

"Oh come on, you of all people should know that we're not that easy to kill!" Naruto declared as he continued to struggle against Kakashi's hold. Kakashi's hold on them loosened just enough for them to slip out of it and on to the ground. "Just because you're as strong as a high level chuunin doesn't mean you are undefeatable. There is always someone stronger, you must always remember that." Kakashi's lecture ended as he slowly lost interest.

This was something Kakashi's was always trying to bash into his team's heads. They had all do amazing in their own subjects. They were all chuunin in all areas but they excelled in certain ones. Hinata excelled in genjutsu and medical ninjutsu, while Zulu was excellent at fire ninjutsu and sword play. Naruto on the other hand was nearly amazing in taijutsu, all kinds of ninjutsu, and genjutsu.

They had been training with Kakashi, Guy, Anko, and Yamato. All of whom are very competitive with their training methods. Irina, who had recently been promoted to jouunin, walked up to the three with a smirk.

"Tell me you didn't use the sexy jutsu on the old man again!?" He laughed while throwing his arm around Kakashi's shoulders. Naruto grinned and burst out laughing, with Zulu just starring at him. "Sadly, yes. They were trying to steal the forbidden scroll of sealing when the Hokage came in and stopped them. He was about to punish them when they both used that jutsu. The Hokage had the resolve not to pass out from blood loss, until the two started talking dirty to the old man. So that's what happened." Kakashi told Iruka the story as he started back toward the Hokage Tower.

When they returned to the tower the Hokage jumped out of his office window and knocks them to the ground. "Okay for that little stunt you're going to be trading with me for the next three months along with hinata! And if you think Kakashi's a slave driver then you're gonna hate me!" Hiruzen yelled and dragged them to their usual training ground.


It was now midnight and the team of ten years old was crawling towards the village. "Sorry about making you go through this Hinata-chan!" Naruto mumbled as he flipped onto his back and look at the beautiful night sky. She slowly stuttered out that it was fine. Zulu soon joined Naruto on the ground. "So how is training with the Hokage punishment?" He ask his two friends, with boredom in his voice. His act didn't trip them up, they knew he was as tired as the two of them.

"I don't know, maybe its the sparing we have to go through. I mean he may be an old man, but damn he's strong. I didn't think he was that strong, and this just shows that we have a really long way to go." Naruto answered as he quickly stood up and faces his friends with his hands out. Zulu quickly grabbed his hand and stood next to him. Hinata slowly looked between the two smiling faces before slowly rapping her hand around Naruto's hand.

"Let's make a promise right now, that no matter what we'll always be a team!" Naruto exclaimed with his trademark grin on his face. It seemed to infect the other two as they both soon had grins of their own. "Hell yeah, let's do it! I promise to always be apart of this team!" Zulu yelled as he fell back on his ass. Hinata also fell on her ass, but it didn't bother her. "I-I pro-promise to always be on this team!" She said more confident then ever. Naruto smiled and look back at the sky, and jumped on the two of them, crushing them in a bear hug.

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