The Vow

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Yamato was pushing his opponent to the very limits, but not without doing the same to himself. Yamato had been throwing everything he had at him, well almost everything, he still hasn't used it. While he was fighting Sasuke, Shino and Kiba had formed around Tazuna, with Sasuke in the middle, Kiba to his left and Shino to the right.

"Oh shit, h-how are they doing any of this?!" Kiba yelled as he shook in fear. The only reason the other two weren't shaking is because they couldn't smell the amount of hate flowing from the two of them. It was almost as if they wanted to rid the earth of their opponent, and that made the loud brash boy terrified.

"They are Jouunin for a reason, Kiba." Shino said emotionlessly, but truth be told he to was a little shocked at the level of skill the two were showing. "What did that guy mean when he said 'Yamato of the Frozen Wood?" Sasuke finally spoke up, he had been wondering this the whole time but thus far he hadn't seen any reason for that.

"I think we're about to find out." Shino said, as he gripped his kunai tighter. "Why's that?" Sasuke questioned.

"Cause I've never seen hand seals like that!" Kiba yelled as he pointed at Yamato.

"FROZEN WOOD STYLE: FROZEN TREE BIND FLOURISHING BURIAL!" Yamato yelled as wood covered in ice sprouted out of the ground and dashed at Zabuza. Zabuza flipped backward, jumped to the left, into a tree and back on the ground before it finally wrapped it's self around him.

As the wood stopped all you could see of Zabuza was his shoulder and head, after a few seconds ice started to form on his shoulders. "Zabuza, you did nicely, but I'll take it from here kukuku!!" A creepy voice came from the trees.

Team Seven

As Naruto was running he felt a massive chakra signature almost as big as Kakashi's. It worried Naruto because it was at the exact same spot as team eight. "Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto grumbled to the Jouunin next to him. Kakashi nodded as he and Naruto picked up their speed.

"I know. Zulu, Hinata try and keep up, but if you can't just following our chakra signatures!" Kakashi yelled right before they blasted forward. Kakashi was moving so fast that Naruto had to chanel some of the nine-tails chakra into his legs to keep up.

They moved so fast that the water under them flew in all directions. But it still wasn't fast enough for Naruto, so he added more of the nine-tails chakra and pulled ahead of Kakashi. Not one to be out done, Kakashi added just a little bit of his chakra and soon he was right next to Naruto.

Soon they were coming upon the destroyed shire line, and off to the side they could see team eight. The only one missing was Yamato.


'Fuck I knew I couldn't hold him off for to long. To much longer and I'll be out of commission for good!' Yamato thought as he dodged yet another snake, and fired a few frozen trees at the snake man.

The man Yamato is currently fighting is named Orochimaru, student of the third Hokage. And completely out of Yamato's league, that's why Yamato took him away from his team. They would just get in the way. But back to the battle.

"FROZEN WOOD STYLE: DEEP FOREST EMERGENCE!" Yamato shouted as a wave of frozen wood headed toward him, when it got within five feet of him it shot up forming frozen trees. As Orochimaru did a backflip the ice that covered the trees turned into spikes and flew toward him.

Being the snake he is he slithered around them, well most of them as one of them cought him in the left leg. "Ah damn you boy! Who would have thought you would injure me, maybe I shouldn't have put the DNA of that dreadful ice uses in you after all! Nevertheless I shall kill you today boy!" Orochimaru growled and slithered toward him. When he was right in front of Yamato he jumped in the air and brought his kunai down.
But it never made contact, as his hand was stop by a blonde boy with three whisker marks. "Don't you ever lay a hand on someone from my village again!" The enhanced Naruto yelled as he squeezed Orochimaru's wrist even tighter, actually making the sanke man whence.

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