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With Kakashi

"I wonder how Naruto is doing right now? I could always go check. That's why Jariya left that toad here, after all." Kakashi asked as he stepped into the Hokage tower, after leaving his team to rest for the day. Kakashi had been meaning to go see the toad for about a week now, but had never had the time.  That, however, did not stop the man from wondering about his student. As he entered the room that the toad was in, Kakashi instantly felt something was off. The reason for this was that instead of a young toad sitting on the desk there was an older toad that looked almost older then the third. "Kakashi Hatake, you must bring me to your Hokage!" The toad said as he jumped on to the white haired mans shoulder. With a small shrug Kakashi turned and headed to the old Hokage's office. Along the way the toad told Kakashi what had happened at the mountain.

Kakashi's face soon took on a look of worry as he hurried to the Hokages office, as he mad to clones to go find Zulu and Hinata. Five minutes later Hinata and Zulu burst into the Hokages office only slightly out of breath. "What happened to Naruto?" Hinata yelled as she ran up Hiruzins desk, a crazed look on her face. The old kage didn't know what to think, he had never seen Hinata like this before and he was quite shocked.

"Well it appears he was tricked into going after what he thought was you two kidnapped by Orochimaru. We only just now found out thanks to this old toad here. You see he has some connections with the snake summons and found out that Orochimaru was lying about having you two." Hiruzin said as he sat up and handed Kakashi a scroll. Knowing what the old man ment Kakashi turned and walked out the room. "Meet him at the gate in half an hour." Hiruzin said as the two children looked around in confusion.

Half an Hour Later

"Let's get going!" Hinata yelled as she stompped passed Zulu, Kakashi and Asuma. The males of tge group said no words as Kakashi summoned Pukun to lead the way. Along the way Kakashi and Asuma would have to stop Zulu from talking, because he was quickly irritaing Hinata and that wouldn't end well for him. "Do you really think it was wise bringing these children along with us, Kakashi?" Asuma questioned in a whisper, hoping Hinata would not here him. 

"Ha, of course it was and besides do you want to be the one to tell her she has to stay in the village!?" Kakashi whispered back as he watched the other jounnin for his answer. When Asuma said nothing Kakashi knew he had his answer. "I thought so and besides these two are more then reliable ninja. If that doesn't convince you then think of it as you would if you were in there shoes, in this mission! You wouldn't fail this mission if it would kill you!" Kakashi mumbled as he continued to jump from tree branch to another.

The continued in silence for the rest of the day, until Hinata spoke up for the first time all day. "Do you think that we'll make it in time?" Hinata asked with her voice horse and rough. She seemed a little to worried about Naruto, but that was to be expected to be honest. See that she was close to losing her shit Zulu spoke up.

"Hell yea we will! So don't worry about it Hinata and don't forget this is Naruto were talking about! He also has Jariya of the big three with him, so it'll all be good!" Zulu said with a huge grin that would normally have put a grin on Hinata's face. This time though it just eased her worry a little, but that was more then enough for Zulu to feel better. "Now lets hurry this up and go get out blond fox!" Zulu said as he sped up to be right next to Pukun.

Three Day Later

"The coordinates show that we are to them in that field in about an hour! So lets think this over!" Naruto said as he flopped onto the grass in a thinking pose. The look on his face caused Jariya to laugh, which broke Naruto form his thoughts. "What!?" The blond yelled as he looked the other way as blush came to his face.

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