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It had been two days since Orochimaru had attached the bridge and Naruto still hadn't talked much. The most he had said was the time Kakashi found him at Zabuza's grave. Kakashi had to take out Gato the day before and had made sure to make it look like an accident.

While most of the others had been resting, or celebrating Naruto had been training his ass off. He was doing his best to forget about Zabuza, but it didn't help any. He really just wanted to get back to the village, so that he could hopefully get over it all.

Every night he would crawled into bed with Hinata and hold her close, almost afraid to let go. Like if he did he would go back to the moment that he killed Zabuza. By the time the sun came up Naruto was already outside in the training fields, working on God knows what.
Naruto was just thankful that they got to leave the next day, as was Kakashi. Kakashi laughed as he saw Naruto walk through the door, yet again covered in a thick layer of dirt. "You do know that I'm called a sensei for a reason, right?" Kakashi joked as he pulled a chair out at the table. The blonde looked around and saw no one, so he slowly took a seat.

"Kakashi-sensei can I ask you something?" Naruto mumbled as he looked at the floor in shame and regret. Said ninja nodded as he took a seat across from Naruto. "Sure thing!" Kakashi lazily muttered.

Naruto sat there for a few minutes thinking before finally looked up with determination in his eyes. "Will you tell me how to live with taking someone elses life?!" Naruto demanded as he looked Kakashi in the eye for the first time in the last few days. A small smile crept to Kakashi's face as he stared back at his young student.

"I'm sorry Naruto but I can't. That's something you need to figure out on your own, just like the rest of us. I really wish I could help you here Naruto, but I can't; all I can do is tell you that you'll find away. You always do!" Kakashi said as he stoode back up and walked towards the door. Before he got there though he looked back at Naruto and said, "Oh and by the way, Hinata's still in bed." After that he walked the rest of the way to the door and left.

For some reason a smile formed on Naruto's face, just as a single tear slowly rolled down his face. The smile soon turned into a grin, then a chuckle and not long after a full blown laugh was flowing through the boys body. All the while more and more tears flowed down his face. He had found a way. If protecting his friends meant killing, then he would just have to live with it. "Thank you Kakashi!" Naruto whispered as he slowly headed up the stares, tears still on his checks.

As he slowly opened Hinata's door he stopped and just watched her sleep for a second. "I'll do anything for you especially, Hinata!" He whispered even quieter, as he slipped in behind Hinata and wrapped his arms around her. Before he could close his eyes, Hinata had rolled over and look at him with a smile.

"Did I just hear you laughing?" She questioned. Naruto simply nodded as he looked at Hinata. "Good, I was starting to get worried!" She said and pecked him on the lips. Not long after they were both asleep.

With Kakashi

"I hope that was good enough to help!" Kakashi said as he watched the clouds. He couldn't help but think about what Naruto had said about his team. 'Have I truly failed to live up to you sensei?' Kakashi thought as he continued to stare at the sky, saddened by this thought.

He slowly stoode up and pulled his mask from his face. After that he pulled his head band up to reveal his left eye, then creating at least two hundred clones. "Starting today I will live up to them!" Kakashi yelled as he charged head first in to the swarm of his clone.

'If I can do something that I've never been able to, then I'll know that my determination will be enough to live up to you!" Kakashi thought as he jumped high above all his cloned and flew through a set of hand seals, just as his clones did the same. "FIRE STYLE: FLAMING CLIFFS!!" Kakashi yelled as blue flame shot out of his hands and instantly dropped to the ground. His clones having done the same jutsu were completely venerable.

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