Lil Bit of Filler

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"Neji are you sure that's the same Hinata we knew as kids!?" A brown haired girl by the name of TenTen asked the Hyuga of the team. A small nodded was all the answer she got. "Well she is most skilled! Was she always so skilled Neji!?" The green clad boy named Lee asked.

"No, she was actually quite weak as a small child!" Neji growled as he unknowingly activated his byakugan.  After this they watched in silence, that is until TenTen heard the name of the blonde boy.

"Wait Naruto? NARUTO! HEY NARUTO!!" TenTen yelled as she jumped from the tree. She soon froze as she saw the look Hinata was giving her from next to said blonde. "Who're you and how did you know Naruto-kun?" The young Hyuga asked as she stepped in front of the lone blonde. At first the weapon user was very confused at the way Hinata was acting, but after about thirty seconds of looking at the other girl she understood. "Ooooooh so that's how it is! But any who I'm TenTen an-" TenTen was interrupted by the blonde jumping out from behind Hinata and getting to in TenTen's face.

Not being used to anyone being this close to her face, TenTen turned a dark shade of red and quickly stepped back. "No way, I should've known it was you!" Naruto whispered just loud enough for everyone to hear him. Before he could say anything else Zulu had grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him around. "What do you mean you should've known it was her?! WHO THE HELL IS SHE!?" Zulu yelled while viciously shaking his long time best friend.
"Stop s-shaking me and I-I'll tell you!" Naruto stuttered and quickly regretted doing so, as he could hear People laughing behind him. "HELL NO! TELL ME NOW DAMN IT!" The young ninja growled still shaking Naruto at an amazing speed. Within the next few seconds Lee and Neji landed next to their teammate, both looking equally shocked at what was happening in front of them.

"F-for God's sake m-man s-stop. O-okay I kn-know her f-from my t-time in th-the orphanage!" Naruto growled as Zulu finally stopped. To Naruto it had seemed way to quiet all of a sudden, so he took a small look around and saw everyone looking at the ground. All except for TenTen, who was smiling and waving like a little kid, so being who he was he smiled and waved back. "What do you mean? TenTen was never in the Orphanage!" Lee yelled as he looked up at Naruto a fire burning in his eyes.

"Actually Lee I was for the first six years of my life, remember I only meat you two when I was seven!" Tenten said as she looked away from Lee's piercing gaze. Not being as clueless as most thought he understood what she meant and quickly shut up.

"And what about you, I've known you six!" Zulu said slowing down greatly at the end, understanding how it was possible. "Why didn't you tell us about the orphanage!?" Hinata asked hurt obvious in her eyes. Neji quickly gave TenTen a look that said the same thing, but with much less hurt present. Naruto slowly scratched his head and looked at TenTen out of the corner of his eyes. "Because it wasn't exactly a good time in my life and I'd like to forget most of it. I was never liked, so I spent most of my time away from everyone. The only person that would talk to me was TenTen and that ended up making things bad for her as well!" Naruto growled as he clenched his fist in anger.

While all of this was going on Sasuke was standing behind everyone with his eyes squinted. 'I think they forgot I was here, eh oh well I'll just go check on the other two!' The Uchiha thought sending a sad look toward Naruto and walking into the tree-cave.

"I get it, I can understand that completely TenTen, Naruto!" Lee yelled in his normal loud way, sending a thumbs up to both his teammate and Naruto. Neji nodded along with Zulu signaling their agreement. TenTen smiled and slapped the two on the back with a big smile on her face. "Thanks guys!" She said and looked at the two as the both smiled, Lee much wider then Neji.

It was at that moment that Naruto noticed how quiet Hinata was being, so he slowly walked over to her and lightly put a hand on her shoulder. "Hinata what's wrong?" Naruto questioned in an unnaturally soft voice. Still Hinata said nothing simply shaking her head, while starring at the ground. "Come on Hinata, what's up?" Naruto again asked softly, but this time dipping down to get to her height.

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