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hihihihihihihihihihihihihi Ok guy sso I need your input. Did I make the plot line go to fast? Should I keep updating? Stop? Let me know. Im leaving my grandparents in  a couple minutes so this will be the last thing I put into the story for awhile. I have one more chapter to make for you guys and then I will need 60 votes so be ready to vote!!!! Im going to make sure the next chapter is either Ashton or has half an Ashton part. Also I need a new cover so go make me some people!!!!! Hit me up on twitter with them (@Natlindz12) and I will pick which one I like best. The cast is up if you need to use that. If I dont have a new cover by the end of the week I can make myself one I just want you guys to be involved in the story too lol.

Thanks for reading!!!!!

Nat xx

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