CH 28

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Long update for you all since I havent updated in FOREVER! So here you guys go!!!


Skylars P.O.V

"He is so dead when he gets here." Ashton says as we walk through the door. I take his hand as we walk down the hallway. Before I know whats going on I hear screams from the end of the hall.

"Luke probably pissed Michael off." Ashton says with a laugh. I giggle a little and we hurry down to the source of the yelling. Opening the door I see Luke and Michael sitting on the floor like nothing happened. I look to Ashton who has the same look of confusion as me. He just shakes his head and goes over to the couch sittng down. Before I can do anything he has me pulled into his lap. He smiles and kisses my cheek causing me to giggle. I interlock our fingers and he smiles again.

"Where the hell is Calum?" Luke asks. I pull out my phone to call Paige. Just as I am about to hit the call button she bursts through the door pulling Calum behind her. I just put my phone back in my pocket and wait for the ass to be ripped. Ashton looks at Calum and rolls his eyes. I get off his lap and sit on the couch as he gets up and goes over to Calum.

"Dont yell at-" Calum starts. He is cut off by Ashton hitting him upside the head.

"WHAT WAS THAT-" He starts again.

"You were the late one this time!" Ashton says before walking into the booth. Luke stands and walks in with him as Michael moves over to the sound board. Paige sits next to me on the couch and  Calum sits down next to Paige. 

"When Mikey and I go in there he's gonna kick you guys out. He hates recording with anyone watching him." Calum says. Paige and I nod and then look over to the sound board and smile as Michael gives up paying attention to Luke and Ashton and picks up a guitar. 

I watch as Ashton loses himself in the music. He looks so happy and peaceful. Like nothing can harm him. Michael looks at me and hands me a set of headphones. 

"You wanna hear him?" He asks. I nod and take the headphones. Michael nods and I put them over my head and set them comfortably. Ashtons melodic voice fills my ears and my heart leaps. I smile and lean on the sound board making sure not to touch any of the buttons. Luke joins Ashton and I'm in shock. They sound amazing together. Ashton looks up and starts to laugh. I just take the headphones off and shoot him a smile. Luke just shakes his head and takes off his headphones and walks to the door of the booth. Ashton follows Luke and then Michael stands and points to the door. 

"Out." He says as Calum walks into the booth. Paige, Luke, Ashton, and I walk out into the hallway. Paige is the first out so she finds a spot next to the window and sits with Luke and Ashton next to her and me in front of her. 

"So how long will Michael and Calum take?" Paige asks. 

"They have the majority today so probably an hour or so," He says. He then looks to Ashton and then to me with a sly smile. I watch him lean over and whisper something to Paige and she grows a huge grin.



Ashtons P.O.V

What the hell did he say to her? 

I look at Luke who just laughs and shakes his head. 

"We are gonna play a game." He says. Skylar looks at me with a raised eyebrow and I can do nothing but shrug. She just looks to Luke and waits for what he has to say.

" So Ashton, Paige and I are gonna ask you questions about Skylar and you have to answer them. See how many you get right." He says. I laugh and shake my head along with Skylar.

"Alright. Shoot." I say. Skylar pulls her knees to her chest and sits with her arms around them her back pressed to the window. She looked at me with a smile and I winked before looking to Luke. 

"Who is Skylars favorite Singer?" Paige asks. Duh easy.

"Male or Female?" I ask.


"Ed Sheeran." I say quickly. Skylar nods and giggles. She is so damn perfect. Everything she does is perfect...

"Ok...What is....her...favorite color?" Luke asks.

"Gold." I say. She nods again and I smile.

"Top 3 favorite bands?" Paige asks.

"The Fray, Nirvana, and Green Day." I say. Skylar looks at me with a smile. I nod and she just starts laughing. The time we met...


My mum was finally letting me go to a concert without anyone! I was so excited!! Green Day would be so legendary and I got front row? HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! I stood outside the venue and waited for the doors to open when I heard a sigh from behind me. Turning around I saw the most astonishing girl standing against the barricade with white high waisted shorts and a black crop top with 'RULE BREAKER'  in red. Her high top sneakers making her all of four centimetres taller not even.

"Anxious?" I asked. She looked up with wide eyes and looked around. 

"Me? yea...yes. Very." She said with a laugh. I joined in her laughter and then smiled.

"Where are your seats?" I asked?

"Um row AAA Section...A seat 7. You?" 

"Row AAA Section A seat 8" I said with a smile.

"Really?!" She asked laughing. I nodded and the doors opened.

"Well, since we will be together most of the night. Whats your name?" She asked as we walked in.

"I'm Ashton. You?"

"Skylar. Nice to meet you Ashton. Now lets go find our seats.

The whole time we were waiting for the band to come on stage we talked. I learned more about her in that night than I had ever learned about anyone.

"That was too cool!" Skylar says as we walk out of the arena. I nod in agreement and we walk to her dads car.

"So uh, Skylar?" I ask as she gets to the door of the car.

"Yea Ash?" She asks.

"What are you doing Friday?" I ask looking to the ground. I hear her giggle and look up.

"Nothing. What about you?" She asks. I can see the redness coming into her cheeks. 

"Hopefully...uh...maybe, taking you out?" I ask. I look up and see her smiling uncontrollably.

"There is no maybe to it..." She says. Ouch.

"Only a definitely." She says. My head snaps up and she hands me her phone number and gets in the car. Leaving me to think about how awesome the night was. 


"Okay...favorite actor." Paige asks. Fucking Franco. Ugh.

"Dave Franco." I say with disgust. 

"What he's hot!!" She says. Ok, hold on a sec. I stand and pull Skylar with me. I take off pulling her down the hallway with me.

"Well thanks for the rude blow off guys!!!" Luke calls. We keep walking and when we round the corner, I pulls her to me and push her to the wall placing my lips on hers. Our tongues meet and begin to fight for dominance. I win and we continue to make out. Her hands slide into my hair and feel her tug gently. I leave her lips and move mine to her neck. She gasps as I begin to suck on her skin. I hear her moan slightly and know I've accomplished my mission. I pull away from her and place my forehead on hers. 

"Well that was amazing." She says with a laugh. She turns and then heads down the hallway.

"Where are you going?" I ask. 

"Exploring." She says.

"Wait. I'm hotter than Dave Franco right?" I ask. She pauses and then I see her body shake with laughter. But she doesn't answer me...

"HEY!!!" I yell. I hear her laughter and chase after her down the hall.

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