CH: 15

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Ashton's P.O.V

I can't believe how well this night has gone. She shows at a show and then we make out then she leaves...I know that doesn't sound well but to me it's incredibly good. I sat down on the bed and sighed not even realizing I did.

"What?" Calum asked as he laid down on his pillow.

"I can't believe that her of all people...could show up to a meet and greet." I say before shutting off the lamp and going to sleep.


Skylars P.O.V 

"So how do you know Ashton?" Paige asked as she drove us home.

"We went to school together...and we were really good friends for awhile then I moved here and he stopped talking to me. I hated it and him for a little bit. Hated him for leaving me alone. My dad even offered to fly him out for one summer. He didnt want to because he was busy." I said.

"Friends? Like oh Hey buddy! Or like OMG YOU WILL NEVER!!!! Or like look I love you but dont fuck with me right now bitch Or you two fucked?" She asked. My jaw drops.

"NO!!!! Oh my god Paige." I laugh

"Well! What kind?" She laughs.

"I love you but dont fuck with me right now." I say. She nods.

"Did you know Calum?" She askes.

"No. Ashton started hanging out with him after I left." I say.

"Oh. Alright. I still cant believe how cool he is! We get along so well its not even funny!" She says. I laugh.

"Really?" I ask.

 "Yes! He doesnt have a problem with pillow fights, I asked him what he liked to do in his free time and he said that he doesnt care as long as he is with the person or people he wants to be with! I also asked if he liked to do crazy shit and guess what his answer was..." She rambles

"What?" I laugh

"OMG HELL YES ALL THE TIME!!!! We have so much in common its not even funny! Not to mention he is pretty hot..." She says as she blushes.

"Well I knew you thought that of him. Glad you two get along! Is he really taking you on a date?" I ask her.

"Yea. Saturday and I cant wait." She says as we pull into the driveway. I laugh and get out of the car. Walking to the door I see Paige on her phone. I can tell by the way she is smiling that its Calum. I walk inside and upstairs quickly. I know she will be awhile so I go to my room and change into my pajamas. I lay my head on the pillow and stare at the ceiling reciting the days events in my head. I pause when I think of the kisses. I loved them more than anything in the world. They make my heart flutter just thinking about them. I could that there was more feeling than ever behind them. On his part and mine. I thought of his eyes and their beauty makes me giggle. Paige would think I was syco if she could hear my thoughts. 

I lay in silence continuing to think about Ashton. Paige comes in the room without me even noticing. I dont notice until shes ontop of me screaming.

"OH! What?!?!" I ask. 

"Look hun, I know you think hes a sexy beast but if you want to hang out with them tomorrow you should go to sleep." She says in a motherly tone. I laugh and slap her arm playfully and push her off my bed. She laughs before leaving the room. But I still fo what she says.


Ashtons P.O.V

The sunlight drifts through the window causing me to wake. Calum is stumbling around the room and throwing things out of suitcases absent mindedly. 

"Look bro-" I start. The next thing I know a shoe in in my chest. I groan and fall back into the pillow. 

"Sorry Ash..." He starts. I laugh and get out of bed.

"She doesnt care what you look like. She would probably rather have you in jeans and a t-shirt than anything else. We are just hanging out." I say as I brush through my hair with my hands. Natural. I remember Skylar thowing a little fit about the day I cut my hair and started styling it. 


"" Skylar says to me. I look at her.

"What dont like it?" I laugh. She crosses her arms and pouts on my bed.

"Well then how do you like it?" I ask smothing my hair down to normal. I hear her stand up and walk over to me. I see her face infront of mine in seconds.

"Run your fingers through it." She orders. I do so.

"Like that." She says with a huge smile. Her arms wrap around my waist and her head lays on my chest. I wrap my arms around her and rub her back.

"Please dont change Ash. I love you just the way you are." She says quietly. 

"Then make me a promise," I say. She looks to me.

"You wont either." I say. Her smile grows and her lips meet mine.



Skylars P.O.V

"Paige, C'mon! If you two really have that much in common then he cant possibly care what you look like!" I say as she rummages quickly through her closet.

"FINE!!! YOU PICK OUT THE OUTFIT YOU THINK HER WOULD LIKE!!!" She says as she runs over and falls into the bed. I laugh and go over to the closet. I push things back and find a cute white tank-top that is longer in the back than it is in the front with "Blink 182" on it. I toss it to her and she laughs.

"oh..." she laughs 

I search the other side of the closet and find a pair of black skinnies that match the words.

"Thank you Sky." She says. I leave to get dressed and ready myself. If Calum was like her this morning...well...I feel bad for Ashton.



Song for the chapter: I love you

Artist: Avril Lavigne

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