CH: 2

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Ashtons P.O.V

Skylar and I were sat on my bed the morning of her departure.

"Ash? Please don't hate me. we cant do long distance. I wish we could but you know it never works." She said with the tears slowly stopping. I nodded and looked over to her but said nothing.

"Ashton? Please talk to me!" She yelled as more tears fell. Still no response. I watched as she sniffled and nodded.

"I love you Ashton and I'm sorry that this had to happen this way. I'll just go now." Skylar said through the tears. Just as she got to the bottom of the stairs i called down.


"Yea?" She responded

"You promise that you wont forget about me right? When you go to America? I wish it didn't have to be this way. I don't want to lose you either. But i would rather lose you as a girlfriend and keep you as a friend then lose you completely" I said. I gazed down at her sadly back . Tears in my eyes and hers. I found myself watching her every move as she came back up the stairs. As her hands found my cheek she said this

"Ashton, even though we cant be together after i move doesn't mean i can just forget about you. I cant, I wont, and I would never want to. I love you and I always will. Just not the same way."

My eyes searched hers before gently placing my  lips on hers. Our sparks flew like they did the first time we kissed. It couldn't happen over Skype and she had a school to attend. Sadly she had to go. I felt her break away from me. Her arms wrapped around me and she buried her face into the crook of my  neck.

"I'm gonna miss your kisses." She said with a giggle. Her giggle put a smile on my face just like it always did. Our embrace was cut short by my mom.

"Skylar honey? Your parents are here to pick you up." She said sadly. Skylar nodded and walked down the stairs. As she reached the bottom i watched her turn around and look at me. Both of our eyes filled to the brim with tears. Tears falling down my cheeks followed by hers.

"Goodbye baby" Skylar choked. I couldn't stand seeing us like this anymore. I watched with sadness and pain as she quickly wrapped her arms around my mother and ran out to her dads car.

I bolted upright in my bunk, causing a painful smack on the hard wood.

"The fuck!?!?!" Calum yelled from above me.

"OOWwwww!!" I moaned.

"Fucking dumb-ass!" Calum laughed. I kicked the top of my bunk making him yell out again. My smirk quickly faded as i recalled my dream. I hadn't dreamed about her for almost a year. Something was up and I wanted to know. But it could wait. I pulled back my bunk curtain and looked out. Michael was of course, still asleep. Luke was listening to blaring music as he slowly awoke and Calum was taking selfies.

"WORK IT BABY!!! WORK IT!!!" I said as Calum continued to make faces. We both laughed before going into the front part of the bus.

"Niall!?!?! Da heel you doing on here? I thought you stayed in the hotel." Calum said.

"Liam stole my key and wouldn't give it back! I was too lazy to fight so i just came out here. Now shut the hell up I'm sleeping!" Niall said as he cuddled closer with the blanket. I looked over to Calum who just shrugged. Yawning i looked at the clock on the stove. 7:30 AM? Too fucking early. As i walked back to my bunk i laid down and closed my eyes. Sleeping obviously wasn't an option after that dream. Seeing her again, especially in that moment in my...well i guess our lives, was to much to sleep on. I wondered how she was, did she have a boyfriend,what she was doing,hell! i even wondered where she was! The only thing i knew for sure was that she had forgotten about me. With the way things were going now i sadly have to say she slipped my mind as well. I needed to escape my mind. I grabbed my beats from my bag and plugged them into my phone. As my music began to play all my thoughts were completely gone. Soon enough sleep over came me.

"Ashton get your lazy ass up!" Luke shouted. I groaned and rolled off my bunk and onto the floor. Luke's pillow connected with my face shaking me from my daze

"Fuck Luke?" I asked. He laughed and pulled me off the floor.

"Its like 11 and we have fans outside the bus. Only like twenty. Lets go!" He said. I changed quickly into a tank top and skinny jeans before following Luke off the bus. Niall must have gotten off earlier because he was nowhere to be found. The girls squealed as we stepped off.

"Hi Ashton!" One said.

"Whats up??" I asked hugging her.

"Nothing much how has your day been?" She asked with a smile.

"Pretty good so far! Thanks for asking!" I said.

"I hope you wouldn't mind taking a picture with us," She said skeptically.

"Course not babe!" I said with a smile. One arm wrapped around her and the other wrapped around her friend another girl took the picture before i took one with her.

"Thanks Ashton! We love you!" The first girl said as she turned to walk away

"Love you too!" I called back.

"Oh my god Skylar!!" I heard her friend squeal. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around. My Skylar wasn't there, i knew she wasn't so why did i look? Was i hopeful she would be? Why would i be? She forgot about me. left me alone in the cold. So why was i wishing and wanting to see her so bad. Feeling like i needed to.

Song for chapter: Summer Love

Artist: One Direction

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