S4EP03 "House of Meetings/House of Parties" Part 1

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House of Anubis : The Sacrifice of Isis' Sword

"House of Mettings/House of Parties" Part 1 (Out of 3)

Last time, on House of Anubis: After seeing Dan hidding something suspicious, The gang decided to get ready for a party, but after they did a little research in the cellar, the voices of a creepy girl stood their way...

What will happen next? Find out, right now!

(Note: It would be more dramatic and mysterious if you played a soundtrack 'Lost Prophecies' on YouTube or any other site, and continue reading. Just for fun.)

Annonimous girl: Aaaah! Help! Help! Let me go!

Voice (Whispering) : The Chosen one... Chosen one... Awakens...

Cassie: I'm scared!

(Erin walks up the cellar stairs to the corridor)

(cont. of part 3)

 (Erin opens the door)

(Erin looking confused)

 Erin: You? What are you guys doing here?

(Turns out, the Old gang is standing in the corridor with balloons)

(KT, Eddie, Patricia, Fabian, Mara, Jerome, Alfie, Willow, Joy smiling)

KT, Patricia, Eddie, Fabian, Mara, Joy : Surprise!

KT: Why are you all look like you never seen students before?

Patrica: More than students and a Weasel!

Eddie: Yacker!

(Erin, Cassie, Dexter looking confused and happy at the same moment)

Erin: OMG! You guys are back!

Cassie: I Can't bellieve it!

Dexter: Amazeballs! WooHoo!

Alfie: That's my thing... (Whispers)

Willow (Shouting with excitement): Squee! Excite!

Cassie: Massive excite! So, what are you guys doing here?

Fabian (Being silly): Psht, We're standing! What else do we do?

Mara: I Just love when he does that! So sweet!

Fabian: Not as sweet as you...

Joy: Okaaay, let's get it straight. We came here to make a class reunion!

Willow: We are? I Thought we were back to Anubis house for the whole year?

Alfie: No, silly, we're just gonna be here for 20 days, After that, We're leaving!

Willow: Yikes! That's not a lot! To be honest...

Fabian: Wait, where's Amber? Noone invited her? It's a class reunion, it doesn't matter that she left our school last term!

Mara: I called her! She said if she's not busy, She'll come visit us two days later!

Dexter: Who's Amber?

KT: Our friend! She looks kinda similar to Cassie.

Patricia (whispering): More prettier than that.

Cassie: I Heard what you said!

Patricia: Wasn't a secret.

Cassie: Ah?

Joy: Okay, now, Let's get ready for a party!

Jerome: Wait, don't you wanna visit Trudy first?

Joy: Oh yeah! We totaly should!

Fabian: And Victor!

Mara: Victor left!

Eddie: Yeah! Don't you remember? By the way, who'se the new care taker?

Cassie: Dan Cabulla, or something like that.

Patricia: Haha, What's that? Cabooboo? Cabulaha? Gosh, what a name!

Cassie: He's a bit younger than Victor and kinda seemed a bit more sweet than Rodenmaar, but we think he's not what he seems he is...

Patricia and Fabian: What do you mean?

Erin: Cassie! Noone asked you to reveal all the Sibuna secrets in front of everybody!

Willow: Sabu-what?!

(Cassie, Erin, Dexter, Patricia and Fabian looking a bit freaked out)

Alfie: Cassie! Shush!

Willow: What are you guys hidding from me?

Mara: I Felt the same when I Figured out the meaning of it...

Jerome: Wait, Mara, You know about this?

Mara: I found out myself because you guys didn't trust me!

Willow: What of the fairy tale hoodies is happening here?

KT: We'll tell you later, now, let's go and get ready!

All except Willow: Sure...

Willow: Alfie? You knew about this and you didn't tell me?

Alfie: Well, uhm... I Tried to... but... uhm... Dinner time!

Willow: Stop! You didn't trust me!

Alfie: I'm sorry Willow, noone let me to tell you!

Willow: We're breaking up!

Alfie: Stop! You're not the only one who didn't knew! Maybe... or not...

Willow: It doesn't matter who knew or who didn't, it's because of that you didn't trust your girlfriend!

Alfie: I'm sorry, Willow!

Willow: Have a nice day!

(Willow smashes the door and runs outside)

Alfie: What are you gonna do?!!!!

Willow: Run away to meet the fairies!

KT: Breakup at the first day of visiting Anubis House after summer... Wow... This house has something inside it!

Cassie: Tell me about it!

(End of Part 1)

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