S4EP15 "House of Decisions/House of Entering" Part 1

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House of Anubis:The Sacrifice of Isis' Sword

"House of Decisions/House of Entering" Part 1 (out of 5)

Erin sitting with her laptop on her knees, chatting, Dexter comes in.

Dexter: Erin? Busy?

Erin: No, Dexter come sit.

Dexter: About yesterday, I'm sorry for...

Erin: Forget it. You were right.

Dexter: No, just, I... Uhm... Difficult to tell a girl how I feel.

Erin: Feel free to be honest with me.

Dexter: That's a relief, haha.

Erin & Dexter start blushing.

Dexter: Wouldn't you, Erin Blakewood, refuse to go on a date with me?

Erin: Hm... Nope.

Dexter: Oh... It's okay.

Erin: I said 'no'. I would not refuse. [Erin doesn't stop looking at Dexter]

Dexter: Wait, so, it's like a yes?

Erin: 100 percent! (hugs Dexter) But please, don't bring your marshmallow fritatta!

Dexter: Oh... Ok. Cupcakes work?

Erin: Surprise me!


Cassie: You what?!

Erin: He was really sweet to me!

Cassie: But Erin! Dexter is... gross!

Erin: I like him the way he is, Cassie. Is something wrong about that?

(KT, Amber & Fabian come in)

KT: Something wrong about what?

Erin: Never mind. What do you want?

Amber: Erin, would you mind?

Erin: Oh... Right. Sibuna stuff. (leaves the room)

KT: We need your help, Cassie!

Cassie: What is it?

KT: Jake found out the sword of Isis is beneath the Isis house!

Cassie: Wait, but, what's the sword for?

Amber: To save Patricia. We just need to find it as soon as possible.

Fabian: And we need your help!

Cassie: Why me?

KT: You're the only ones who go to this school! Do you maybe know anyone from the Isis' house?

Cassie: Well, there is this one girl. Her name is Michelle.

KT: Somehow, we all need to get to the Isis' house as soon as possible.

Cassie: I've an idea. What if... Ah! *gasps* I will become best friends with Michelle! Then I will ask her if I can visit the house!

Amber: Or... you could just switch scholarship and get your legs out of our house!

KT: Why would she do that?

Cassie: Yeah -- Why would I?

Amber: So I can be the only pretty blonde around! Duh.

Fabian: Cut it out, Amber. This is serious.

Amber: It's always serious for you, Fabian.

Fabian: Despiting that one, at times I can seem to be an extremely funny & attractive guy!

Amber: DESPITING FUNNY GUY, you aren't attractive at all! Geeky -- that's how it goes.

Fabian: Am not!

Amber: Are too! However, Nina was a geek too. You made a perfect couple. Unlikely you & Joy.

Fabian: And what's that supposed to mean?

Amber: Why don't you go ask Joy?

Fabian: What's the matter with you?!

Amber: Guess I'm just a Jabianphobic. Get it? Jabian -- phobic! I'm such a genius.

Fabian: Huh?

Amber: Oh I'm sorry! Was just taking a peek at your Joyfull life. (Gasps again) Joyfull life! Get it? Wow... I really am an expert at arguments.

KT: More like the expert at drama... Uh, anyways, stop fighting.

Cassie: No no, keep going. I'm halfway done to posting the conflict online.

Amber: Awesome! What site?

Cassie: Just some with a chatbox.

Amber: Add me as a friend?

Cassie: On my way!

Fabian: Poor girls.

KT: Technology obviously has ruined our generation.

Amber: I know! But it sometimes very useful.

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