S4EP05 "House of Sibuna/House of Dates" Part 5

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House of Anubis : The Sacrifice of Isis' Sword

"House of Sibuna/House of Dates" Part 5 (out of 5)

(Mara closes the Anubis House door & goes outside)

(Joy catches her)

Joy: Mara!

Mara: What?

Joy: Where are you going?

Mara: To school. I'm going to ask Mr. Sweet if we can organize a party in our school!

Joy: Exciting, but wouldn't it be more fun if we did the party in Anubis House?

Mara: Joy! That's the most perfect Idea I Heared from today! You're genius! Let's go ask Dan!

Joy: That's what I love to hear...

(same that minute)

(KT runs to the kitchen)

KT: Fabian! Fabian!

Fabian: What?

KT: It's our chance!

Fabian: What do you mean?

KT: The attic! Alfie broke the lock and now we can go there to do a little re-search!

Fabian: Really? That's great! I'll go invite Eddie & Patricia! You go get the newbies!

KT: It's a plan...

(few minutes later)

Patricia: Fabian, thanks a bunch for ruining our date!

Eddie: Yeah, do we have to do this now?

(Eddie, Patricia & Fabian walk into the attic)

(Finds Alfie, Cassie, Dexter, Erin & KT sitting on the ground)

Cassie: You guys! What's up with the whole alert?

Eddie: You guys ready?

Erin & Dexter: Ready!

Cassie: not really...

Fabian: Wait, where's Mara?

(Mara opens the attic door)

Mara: Right Here! Sorry, I'm late...

Fabian: It's OK...

Eddie: This morning, Us all decided to re-form Sibuna!

Dexter: OMG! The mystery is back on!

KT: Exactly... And this time, we all must work together...

Cassie: This is awesome! What do we do?

Patricia: I already told you about what I found under Cassie's bed, right?

Cassie & Mara: Yep!

Patricia: Now, it's time to do a little ceremony!

Eddie: Everyone, stand up! Fabian, Start talking. Us all - repeat his words.

(Fabian starts talking and everyone says the same thing what he says)

Fabian: I, Fabian Rutter, Being of soundmind, Promisse, to protect the secrets of Anubis House, help my friends no matter what it takes and stand by my fellow club members.

Patricia: Welcome to the club - Sibuna!

Erin: Eek! This is so cool! So, what do we do?

Eddie: First of all, I Gotta tell you this.

(Eddie takes Nina's locket)

Eddie: If Dan finds you sneaking to the attic, never betray and try to think of a good way to lie to him why you did that. Got it?

Cassie, Erin, Dexter & Mara: Yeah!

Eddie: Good... Now, it's time to beggin some real adventure! Follow me.

(All Sibunas go down to the cellar)

Patricia: This is a bad place... It has spirits inside it, it has traps, you can also die when you go there... Prepare...

(Fabian opens the secret door to RFS's hidden reading place)

Cassie, Dexter & Erin : Wow!

Mara : You guys this is very creepy!

Patricia: You think? Wait until you see this...

(Pulls the book on the bookshelf and all the kids goes to the secret tunnels)

Eddie: Cover your eyes or you will be sorry!

(Everyone closes their eyes)

(After the light goes away they go to the next trap)

Cassie: This is terrifying! I'm serious! This is the most scariest thing I've seen in my whole life!

Eddie: This is the place our old Sibunas discovered two years ago...

(Suddendly a creepy voice appears from nowhere)

Creepy Voice: Aaah!

Patricia: What was that?!

Next time on House of Anubis - The Sibuna is finally back on, but so is the mystery! But what happens when all of them gets caught & one of them betrays them all? And Will Joy save everyone from their own risk? The secret's are out!

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