S4EP06 "House of Discovery/House of Catches" Part 3

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House of Anubis : The Sacrifice of Isis' Sword

"House of Discovery/House of Practice"

(The secret passage way to the reading place closes the moment Dan's in the cellar)

(Dan finds out the door was moving & gets closer to it.)

Patricia: Eddie, ya see what you have done?

Eddie: I'm sorry!

(Dan hears)

Dan: I know you're hidding behind this wall! If you don't come back here now you're going to be in a huge trouble! So will the newbies!

Cassie: Ah! He's gonna expell us!

Dan: Yes, mrs. Tate! Yes, indeed!

Erin: He heared that!

Dan: For sure!

KT (Whispers): Everyone, calm down, everything's gonna be alright! Now, don't say a word...

Dan: That's it! I'm going to call the police!

(Erin freaks out & opens the secret passage way)

KT, Eddie, Patricia & Dexter: Erin!?!

Erin: I'm sorry!

Patricia: You've betrayed us!

Dan: Ahah! I knew you all were in there! You better have a good explanation for this...

Eddie: Actually, it was my idea.

Dan: Was it?

Eddie: Yes... I Asked them all to go to the cellar... I Tricked them.

Fabian: He's lying! It was me who told them to go...

Patricia: No! Actually, it was me...

Dan: Don't play games with me! Everyone! Detention seems to be a very good way to forget this terrible situation!

Mara: I agree.

Fabian: What?

Cassie & Alfie: Mara?!

Mara: We all need to pay for what we've done!

Fabian: Yeah, but...

Mara: Fabian! We did this on our bad, now we need to fix it.

Cassie: I'd say the same. Detention is better than being expelled, right?

Patricia: Yes. All of us - Detention. Understood.

Dan: Now go to your rooms & you better have nightmares!

Joy: By the way! Here's the key to the cellar.

Dan: You took it?

Patricia: She did. But it's Us who asked her to do it!

Dan: Well, this time I will forgive you all, but you promisse to stay out of all dangerous things like cellars & attics and focus on your school!

Erin & Dexter: We promisse!

Dan: Others?

Patricia, Alfie & KT: Understood!

Dan: No detention for anyone! Lucky you! To your rooms!

Mara: Now!

Patricia: Mara? What are you doing?

Mara: I was being bossy, whoops!

Patricia: Let's just go...

(Everyone walk to their rooms)

Eddie: Fabian! Hey, Fabian!

Fabian: What?

(Eddie shows Fabian Nina's locket)

Fabian: What? Where did you get that?

Eddie: Caretakers' pocket of course! Where else?

KT: You're a little bit of a genius!

Eddie: A little?

Fabian: He is a Genius!

(Eddie giggles)

KT: Yeah, how can the Osirion not be a genius...

(Eddie walks to the kitchen)

Fabian: Wait, where are you going?

Eddie: To the cellar of course!

Fabian: Again?

Eddie: Aha! This is our chance!

KT: Going with you!

Fabian: I'm staying out of this. I'm sorry.

(Patricia comes)

Patricia: Staying out of what?

(Eddie shows her Nina's locket)

Patricia: AH?

Eddie: Took it from Dan, I'm going to the cellar now!

KT: WE are going!

Patricia: Count me in!

(Alfie comes)

Alfie: Me too!

Fabian: Ok, Is there anyone who is afraid of dark except me?

KT, Alfie, Eddie & Patricia: No!

Fabian: What do I loose...

(All go down the cellar using Nina's locket & the secret passage way)

But what happens - next?!

House of Anubis: The Sacrifice of Isis' SwordWhere stories live. Discover now