S4EP06 "House of Discovery/House of Catches" Part 4

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House of Anubis : The Sacrifice of Isis' Sword

"House of Discovery/House of Catches" Part 4 (out of 5)

(KT, Alfie, Eddie, Patricia and Fabian sneak into the cellar)

(Eddie opens the secret passage way to the tunnels)

Secret Girl: Aaah!

(KT & Alfie get scared)

Patricia: Here it goes again!

Eddie: We gonna do something about it...

Fabian: Wait... Isn't that the voice of...

Secret Girl: Help!

Patricia: Nina!?

Eddie: Seems like... Ah... It can't be!

Patricia: Who else can it be?

Fabian: Senkhara?

KT: Who?

Patricia: Doesn't matter... We need to find out what exactly is going on...

(Teens go to the tunnels)

KT: You guys must be kidding me! This place is huge! And the danger is even bigger...

Patricia: Oh believe me, you've seen nothing yet!

KT: What? Why is that?

(Noone answers & all the students continue their quest)

Eddie: Prepare... The biggest quest of our lifetime is about to beggin!

KT: Bring it on...

(Sibuna goes to the place the fake Mask of Anubis has been found)

Patricia: Seems like this place has changed from 2 years ago...

Fabian: Exactly what I was thinking...

Eddie: Probably because the Mask is not here anymore...

KT (Whispers): The mask...?

Patricia: Eddie! Look! Nina's locket!

(Locket in Eddie's hand starts shining)

Eddie: Something's going on!

(Fabian lookin' freaked out)

Fabian: OMG! Guys look!

(Shows the door infront of them)

Alfie: I swear that door wasn't there before!

Patricia: Or we didn't see it?

KT: This is creepy.

Fabian: Huh?

(Eddie puts Nina's locket on the wall which looks like door)

(Wall starts moving & Sibunas discover a new place beneath the house)

Patricia: Oh My Osiris!

Eddie: Did that actually happened?

(Eddie goes to the secret tunnel)

Patricia: Eddie, don't go!

Eddie: It's OK, Yacker... Except that it's so dark & cold in here...

(KT follows Eddie)

(Fabian follows KT)

(Patricia turns around and sees something)

Patricia: Guys! Guys! You might want to see this...

(Patricia finds THE CUP OF ANKH fallen on the ground near her legs)

(Patricia takes the cup)

Patricia: Guys! Look!

Eddie & KT: What is that thing?

Fabian: The Cup of Ankh?! It still excists?

Alfie: But, how did it get here? It wasn't there a minute ago!

Patricia: Weird stuff going on around here...

KT: I'm sorry, but, the Cup of What?

Eddie: Yeah, you never mentioned any cup!

Fabian: It's something from what happened earlier before you guys showed up...

Patricia: There's some sort of elixir of life Victor wanted to the reveal the secret off...

Fabian: The person who drinks the elixir from the Cup get immortality.

KT: What, you mean...?

Fabian: Lives forever, yeah.

(Eddie goes to the secret tunnel again)

Alfie: Let's keep searching...

(All Sibunas go to the secret room Eddie unlocked)

KT: Right... Like there's nothing else I wanna see except old creepy books & terrifying bugs walking all around my feet!

Fabian: But... What...

Eddie: Sibuna... It's time to...

Patricia: Yes, Eddie, we know, it's time to start working together, hear it 10 times a day...

Alfie: This is just... Weird...

KT: What are we looking for, exactly?

Eddie: To be honest, I have no idea...

Fabian: Oh, you know... Normal things, like clues that can lead us to death or spooky traps, nothing much...

KT: Can we just go?

Eddie: Not really, KT! I Think I found something...

(Eddie touches an old chest near a strange bookshelf)

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