S4EP11 "House of Trust/House of Attention" Part 2

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House of Anubis : The Sacrifice of Isis' Sword

"House of Trust/House of Attention" Part 2 (out of 5)

Dexter: Cassie! Someone's coming!

Cassie: What?! So soon?!

(Cassie finally finds the locket and puts it in her pocket)

Cassie: Here you are, I was worried about you! Lol, Did I just say that?

(Dan comes in the house)

Dan: Mr. Lloyd, what are you doing here?

Dexter: Oh, just... Standing & playing...

Dan: First, you're sitting, and second - you have nothing in your hands!

Dexter: I was just... Playing with my fingers!

Dan: Huh?

Dexter: So what? A person can't do what he wants to anymore?

Dan: You're a horrible actor, you know that?

Dexter: Yes sir!

Dan: Get out of my way, I Have to go out of my office.

(Cassie secretly sneaks out of Dan's office)

Dexter: Trudy asked you if... You could go to the cellar... And bring her some sponges!

Cassie (whispers): You idiot... There are Sibunas in the cellar.

Dan: Sponges? What for?

Dexter: I'm not sure, ask her!

Dan: Well, first of all I'll have to take my key from my office!

Cassie (whispering): Dexter, you are a dead man!

Dexter: No!

Dan: Excuse me?

Dexter: She said that she took the keys from your office, couldn't unlock it, so she left the keys in the kitchen, they probably are somewhere there!

Dan: She took the keys?

Dexter: I know right? That's the usual Trudy we know...

Dan: How weird...

Dexter: She said they are somewhere in the kitchen!

Dan: I heared. Okay, go to your room & continue playing with fingers while I'm gonna find the keys!

(Dan goes to the kitchen)

Dexter: Cassie? You're free!

Cassie: And you're dead! He's going to the cellar! Didn't you know there are other Sibunas in there?

Dexter: I know. Trudy didn't really leave the keys in the kitchen, he'll go searching for it in his office, which means...

Cassie: We will be able to go to the cellar and warn Fabian and Amber that Dan's coming down there soon?!

Dexter: See? I am a genius.

Cassie: Yeah right...

Dan: The keys aren't there!

Dexter: Really? Why are you looking at me? I didn't put them anywhere!?

(Dan goes to his office)

Dexter: Now it's our chance.

(Dexter runs to the laundry room)

Cassie: Where are you going?

(Dexter comes back with a box full of sponges)

Dexter: When he's going to be in the cellar, we must make sure he finds sponges in there!

Cassie: Who keeps sponges in the cellar?!

Dexter: Weird people!

(Dexter & Cassie run to the cellar using the secret passage way)

Dexter: This is awesome!

Cassie: Tell me about it! My skirt is so dirty now! Dufus...

(Dexter puts the box on the ground near the cellar window)

Dexter: Guys? Where are you?

Fabian: Whuh?

Dexter: What are you doing there?

(Fabian & Amber come back from Frobisher's secret study)

Amber: Phew! You scared us of death! Why are you here?

Dexter: Cabulla will be here any minute!

Amber: What?!

Fabian: Let's get out of here...

Amber: Where's the book of TunTun MunMun Chuckhamackah?

Fabian: Book of Tutankhamun, you meant?

Amber: Yahah!

Fabian: Right here!

Amber: And Nina's locket?

Cassie: Here you go, you own me a favor.

Amber: Anytime.

(Amber takes Nina's locket from Cassie, the four get out of the cellar)

Amber: Well done, newbies! I was wrong about you. Maybe we can trust you.

Cassie: Oh yes, you can!

Fabian: Thanks guys.

Dexter: You're welcome!

(Fabian & Amber go upstairs)

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