S4EP11 "House of Trust/House of Attention" Part 3

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House of Anubis : The Sacrifice of Isis' Sword

"House of Trust/House of Attention" Part 3 (out of 5)

(Fabian and Amber, sitting upstairs in Patricia's room, Fabian takes the locket out of his pocket & puts it on the book)

Fabian: Should we try it?

Amber: Let's, we won't loose anything. We lost our friend, there's nothing more worse that can happen.

Fabian: Your words are nothing but the truth. I hope.

(Fabian puts The Chosen One's locket, it starts shining, the book opens & Sibunas start reading the first page)

Amber: yay! You did it! Well, we did it.

Fabian: Let the adventure beggin!

Fabian: So, here's the history. Mask of Anubis:Page 27... No... Horus:Page 49... Nope... Anubis:Page 119... I couldn't care less... Water of Life: Page 11...

Amber: Bring it on!

(Fabian opens the 11th page of the book)

Fabian: Pharaons of Ancient Egypt used Water of Life, also pronounced as Egyptian After Life Potion to awake people from Death, especially to the ones who were cursed by the one and only Sun God Ra or The God of Death, Anubis.

Amber: Well that's creepy. Wait, does that mean... Never mind, keep reading.

Fabian: For the After life Potion to be made, the Egyptian God Osiris & Isis' daughter, Chosen One, working together must restore the source where the potion is made, known as Cup of Ankh. Before the cup is restored, Osiris must save Isis' daughter from the curse of Anubis, by unlocking the lost Egyptian Sword of Isis' and collecting all its' lost parts, which are called Elements of Egypt (Includes Water, Earth, Fire, Shadow and Blood Elements). After the Cup is restored & the curse is lifted, the Chosen must drink the Egyptian After Life potion from the cup. After everything's done, the Sword of Isis' must be hidden along with the restored Cup underneath the Original Chosen One's crypt. The End. Creepy, but it tells us everything we need to do!

Amber: Wait... Does that mean, we must meet up with Nina?

Fabian: It says here that... Osiris must save Isis' daughter, which is Nina, from the curse of Anubis, by unlocking the lost Egyptian Sword!?

Amber: Where do we get the sword?

Fabian: In the tunnels, most likely!

Amber: Whoah, I can't wait when the other Sibunas see this...

Fabian: Til then, we need to hide Patricia...

Amber: Wait, are we talking about hidding a death person somewhere in the house? If so... I'll scream. Second: It's creepy, and third: It's Creepy!

Fabian: Look, Patricia's not dead!

Amber: What?

Fabian: She was cursed by Ra! Or Anubis!

Amber: Which means she's just... Sleeping?

Fabian: And we must wake up the sleeper...

Amber: I don't get it. Oh! No, I still don't get it...

Fabian: What now we need to do is...

Amber: Well?

Fabian: I don't know. Hide the sleeper?

Amber: Who is the Sleeper?

Fabian: You really don't understand anything, do you?

Amber: Ooooh, the Sleeper is Patricia!

Fabian: Oh look, that's a surprise!

Amber: Sorry! I was thinking about what I'll wear when I go to Patty's funeral while you were reading...

Fabian: There won't be a funeral!

Amber: And how will you explain this to Mr. Sweet?

Fabian: Yeah... How will we explain this to him?

Amber: We can't just keep her in our rooms all the time.

Fabian: There must be a funeral...

Amber: Or... A FAKE funeral?

Fabian: Amber... That's the most genius idea I've ever heard! Creepish, but, genius!

Amber: I'll take that as a "I Agree". Sibuna!

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