S4EP08 "House of Explanations/House of Apologies" Part 4

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House of Anubis : The Sacrifice of Isis' Sword

"House of Explanations/House of Apologies" Part 4 (out of 5) 

(Dexter, Erin & Cassie come back from school in their uniforms)

Amber: Whoa! First time in uniforms, eh?

Cassie: I Hate uniforms!

Erin: Why is that? They are really sweet and comfortable!

Amber: Only for skinny people!

Cassie: Excuse me?

Amber: Nothing, just explaining Erin the truth :)

Dexter: Rude! Anyways, why are you all standing here?

Jerome: One of our house members is leaving...

Mara: Awh, Jerome...

(Mara hugs Jerome)

Dexter & Cassie: Mara?!

KT: You always will be waited to come back.

Mara: Look, KT, It's fine, It was great being with all of you!

Joy: I'll go with you!

Mara: What?

Joy: I don't have a place in here either... I upset some people...

(Amber looks guilty)

Amber: Come on! Joy! I Don't want you to leave, I just want you not to be here!

Fabian: Not helping!

Mara: But I'll need to wait for you to pack up your things?

Joy: No problem, I'll leave everything here...

Mara: Even your clothes?!

Fabian: Joy, Mara, you guys don't need to go...

Mara: It's absolutely fine, no worries, it's not your fault... Well, kinda...

Willow: No! I Will miss you! I Will cry in tears if you guys leave...

Alfie: Willow, I'll make sure you don't be sad...

Amber: What? You should suppose to make me happy not her!

Fabian: Oh... He didn't tell you yet...

Amber: Tell me what?

Alfie: Fabian, it was supposed to be...

Amber: Tell me what?!

KT: Alfie & Willow are...

Amber: Walfie?

(Joy, Fabian & Jerome looking surprised)

Jerome: Wow, she's good!

Amber: Good at what?

Joy: Thinking good names for couples!

Alfie: Look, Amber... I Didn't tell you because...

Amber: Too much complicated? You were afraid or you forgot that I still excist?

Joy: Well, actually...

Amber: No no! Let him speak! Well? What didn't let you?

Alfie: Uhm...

Amber: Uhm? Is that all you can say?!

(Amber starts crying and runs)

(Alfie follows her)

Willow: Wait, Alfie! If you want to be with her instead of me, then, I'm fine.

Alfie: What? No. It's you I want to be with! Wait, I'll come back, alright?

(Alfie goes upstairs to find Amber)

Mara: Didn't see that coming... Well, I Guess this is were we end it...

(KT becomes upset)

KT: Wait, Patricia is not here, I hope you do want to say Goodbye to her?

Mara: I do! But where is she?

(Fabian starts lying)

Fabian: Well, she said her aunt invited her for a visit... She asked me to say a goodbye for her... I hope it doesn't make you sad...

Mara: No, it doesn't... But... Having a hug from her would be good. Oh well.

Joy: I Guess, this is the part we say goodbye...

(Jerome hugs Joy)

Cassie: We'll miss you!

Mara: Awh, Cas, Come here!

(Mara, Joy, Willow, Cassie & Erin make a big hug)

(Fabian kisses Mara's cheek)

Mara (Whispers): I love you...

Fabian (Whispers): Love you too...

(Amber & Alfie come back)

Amber: I think we & Alfie will discuss it after you guys leave. Leaving me without a hug wouldn't be right... Right?

Mara: Right... Awn, Ambs...

(Mara, Joy, Amber & KT make a hug)

Eddie, Jerome, Fabian, Alfie, Dexter: Goodbye Mara!

Fabian: And Joy!

(Fabian hugs Joy)

Joy: Love you all...

(Joy, Mara & KT Starts crying)

Fabian: Do you have to go now? :(

Mara: I've made my decision, and noone can stop me...

(Mara hugs Fabian again)

Fabian: Not even...

(Joy opens the door)

(Mara turns around)

Someone from her back: Not even me?

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