S4EP06 "House of Discovery/House of Catches" Part 5

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House of Anubis : The Sacrifice of Isis' Sword

"House of Discovery/House of Catches" Part 5 (out of 5)

Patricia: Found what?

Eddie: Uhm, a chest?!

KT: We need a key to unlock it. Any ideas?

Alfie: Maybe it unlocks with the Eye of Horus?

KT: Eye of Horse? Ihaah!

Fabian: KT, you don't know much about this mystery...

KT: That's why I'm asking you to tell me everything!

Fabian: Maybe it's hidden?

Eddie: What's hidden?

Fabian: The lock of course! Because, how are we able to unlock it without a lock or a key?

Eddie: By searching for clues!

KT: Search for clues, search for clues, that's all I heared today from you Eddie.

(Suddendly a recorded voice of Robert Frobisher-Smythe appears)

RFS (Voice): Nothing will be understood before the book of Sekhmet is found...

KT: That's my great grandpa! 

RFS (Voice): Sekhmet is waiting for your quest, find it or Isis will destroy the rest.

Fabian: Book of Sekhmet...

Alfie: Isis will destroy the rest...

Patricia: That doesn't even sound right...

KT: I sware that's the voice of Robert!

Eddie: Duh... But, where do we find the Book Of Sekhmet?

KT: The Chest?

Fabian: That's it! We just need to open the chest and everything will be understood!

Eddie: We can just break the chest?

Fabian: It's impossible. We need to do it right or we'll loose it.

Eddie: What makes you so sure?

Patricia: Fabian's right, we must find the key to the chest!

(KT takes Nina's locket out from Eddie's pocket)

(KT puts the locket on the chest)

KT: Doesn't work...

Fabian: Wait... Maybe only the Chosen one is able to unlock treasures with this?

Patricia: But we are not sure! Nina hasn't been here for ages...

Fabian: Or was she?

(Patricia & Alfie looking confused)

Patricia: What?

Fabian: You guys! What if Nina's the treasure?

Eddie: Yeah, for you!

Fabian: No, I'm serious! What if we are suppose to find her? What if she's named ISIS?

KT: That would make no sense... But, Finally I know the Chosen One is the girl I never met!

Eddie: Uhm, yeah, whatever...

KT: Let's just go back to the House...

Patricia: We are in the house!

KT: yeah, Safe place I mean!

Fabian: There's nothing safe here...

KT: Right?

(At the moment)

Mara: Ok, Willow, Jerome, Cassie, Dexter, Erin, Jake!

Willow & Jake : What?

Mara: I Have some cool news for you all!

Cassie: News like...?

Mara: Next Friday, we all will be doing a performance!

Joy: yep! Me and Mara decided to prepare a party! In this house! Invite whoever you want!

Willow: My unicorn play!

Mara: No, Willow, something else!

Jerome: What? There aren't any good singers here...

Mara: There actually might be! That's why it's time for rehearsals!

Willow: So I can try to do whatever I Want? Like Dance, Sing, Do Magic or Act?

Joy: Anything you want!

Willow: Squee! Wish Amber was here... She could do something related to fashion or...

(Someone screaming from the corridor)

"Someone": Did someone say fashion?

(Joy looking confused)

Joy: Wha? Who said that?

(Joy, Mara, Willow & Jake runs to the corridor)

(At the moment while Dan's in the kitchen, Sibunas return from the cellar using the secret passage way in the oven & get caught)

Dan: Aha! This better be good...

(Patricia, Alfie, Eddie, KT & Fabian looking scared)

Next on House of Anubis: Things for the Sibunas gets from bad - to worse! But will the gang be convinced to tell the truth? And what surprise visitor will the gang meet this time?

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