S4EP11 "House of Trust/House of Attention" Part 4

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House of Anubis : The Sacrifice of Isis' Sword

"House of Trust/House of Attention" Part 4 (out of 5)

Fabian: It sounds so creppy, doesn't it?

Amber: Hiding a dead person in the attic? Wow, we're not psychos, right?

Fabian: The thing is, Patricia's not dead! But... There's one problem...

Amber: Which is...

Fabian: How can we make a fake funeral?

Amber: I don't know, but... It's so stupid, what if we'll have to keep Patricia for months? And how will the others react when they find out she's alive?

Fabian: Amber... This is too much difficult. We're not even sure if it's possible to wake her up!? What if she'll sleep forever?

Amber: Hey, I just had this weird idea.

Fabian: Tell me!

Amber: What if we hide her. Before the funeral?

Fabian: What are you trying to say?

Amber: If we hide her somewhere away from the house, people will think she just dissapeared...

Fabian: And when we wake her up using the Magic Potion or something...

Amber: And we'll tell the others that we found her somewhere?

Fabian: That's genius! Wait, people thought she died...

Amber: I've a plan.

Fabian: Should I be happy about that or will it make me even more worried?

Amber: Uhm... Both?

Fabian: Then keep it a secret.

Amber: Awkward... So, shall we go back to the hospital?

Fabian: We shall!

(At the moment, others are in the hospital crying)

Eddie: Doctor, why?

Joy: Yeah, why did Patricia die? What was the problem?

Doctor: This is something we can't explain. It's impossible to explain what happened to your friend.

Eddie: She's not my friend, she's my girlfriend!

Doctor: Doesn't matter. She didn't have any pshychological problems, nothing that can lead her life to death!

Eddie: Well, she couldn't die because of nothing!

(Fabian & Amber come back to the hospital)

Fabian: Of course she couldn't! Unless she's not dead...

Eddie & Mara: What do you mean?

Amber: Mara, Eddie, Joy, Alfie, KT come with us. Others, keep sitting in here.

Mick: What? Why don't you invite us?

Jerome: Alright, have your secrets!

Amber: Sorry, Mick! Private conversations...

(Alfie, Eddie, Amber, KT, Fabian, Amber & Mara go to the 1st floor)

Fabian: Hey, it's time to talk about Sibuna...

Joy: Someone give me a tissue.

(Amber gives Joy a napkin)

(Joy sneezes really loudly)

(Everyone looking confused)

Joy: Oh, sorry, I had about thousands of snots in and I...

Amber (interrupts): We don't wanna know...

Joy: Okay then, I'm feeling weird now.

Mara: So, what's the big alarm about?

Fabian: Oh, we found out something shocking!

Mara: More than being sacrificed by Ra?

Amber: More.

Mara: Well, tell us!

Fabian: It's about Patricia...

Eddie: What about her?

Fabian: She's not dead.

(Joy stops sneezing)

Eddie: Oh come on...

Amber: Fabian's right! She isn't dead.

Eddie: What?

Fabian: She was only cursed, by Anubis.

Amber: Or Ra! And only two people can bring her back to life again.

KT: Wha... Well, who?

Eddie: Who are these people?

Fabian: You.

Eddie: What? Me?

Amber: And...

Fabian: Nina...

Eddie: But, I lost my powers!

Fabian: Chosen One is the only person who can bring them back to you!

Joy: Wait, so you're saying, that... Eddie has the power to awake people from death? Because, my grandma, she was very ill, and...

Fabian: Well, was your grandma cursed by Ra?

Joy: No?

Fabian: Then no, he can't bring her back to life again!

Joy: Oh... What a bummer!

Eddie: But, how do we bring her back to life?

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