S4EP10 "House of Accusations/House of Tears" Part 1

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House of Anubis : The Sacrifice of Isis' Sword

"House of Accusations/House of Tears" Part 1 (out of 5)

Previously on House of Anubis: An Unexpected meeting leads Patricia to the hospital, but what happens when suddendly one button puts her life in danger?!


KT: Oh, nothing happened. Yet?

Fabian: Phew, you're lucky nothing did happen!

KT: Guess so. Yay! Party time!

Amber: Ahaha... So... Anyone wanna go back some place safe?

Fabian: The diary!

Amber: Right... Why did you ask me to bring it?

(KT opens Nina's diary)

KT: Yeah, why do we need it?

(Fabian takes the diary and starts looking for something)

Fabian: Here, she said to me two years ago she has all Birthday dates of people she knows written in the back of the diary.

Amber: Which means... What?

Fabian: RFS Was born in 1880's, was cursed by Anubis in 1922... Sarah was born in 1915, January 1st and was the original Chosen One.

Amber: But, her birthday isn't on the 7th like Nina's?

Fabian: Right. That's weird.

Eddie: What about Rufus?

KT: Who's Rufus?

Fabian: Sarah's adopted brother. Born the same year as Sarah, 21st of December.

Alfie: 4 days before Christmas...

KT: If he was Sarah's fake brother, and Sarah's the daughter of my great-grandpa... That means he was my not-real... Brother?

Fabian: Uncle. Probably, guess so.

KT: Wow, that explains not much...

Amber: Anyways... Why are you looking to the dates of eldier's birthdays?

Fabian: Look, this wall... It has snake buttons on it...

Amber: Just like in the cellar?

Fabian: Why did we recognize it only now?

Amber: Strange... Something very strange, It has 4 snakes, which means...

Fabian: We need 4 numbers?

Amber: Try out Sarah's birthday...

Fabian: Which is it again?

Amber: One, Nine, One, Five.

Fabian: Uhm...

(Fabian tries out the code, but nothing happens)

Fabian: I don't think it Sarah's birthday. Never works.

Suddendly, the door that leads down the attic corridor opens, Sibunas get a bit scared, but think that was just an accident. After Fabian starts reading Nina's diary once again, something hard falls on the ground. It all leads up to a recorded Frobisher's voice starts speaking and giving teens clues for what to do next.

RFS (Recorded): Everything wrong you do will cause a problem. The quest will not be done until the Book of Tutankhamun is unlocked. After you unlock the secrets of the book, find a place to look, don't follow every hook.

KT: Ok, he said about 30 words. How much I understood? None.

Amber: And Did it rhyme anyhow? Nope.

Fabian: If we do something wrong we will loose something! Other half I didn't understand, so didn't anyone in here.

Eddie & Alfie: Weird...

KT: Let's just go...

(Sibunas go out of the attic)

(Amber takes the 7th piece of the Cup out from her pocket)

Amber: I still have it?

(Throws of the window)

Fabian: Amber, what have you done?

Amber: We don't need it anyways.

Fabian: How do you know?!!!


Note from the author: More you read, more intense the story gets. Read slowly and try to imagine how would it look like if the story was on TV as a continue of HOA. I'm so thankful to all of you who are reading this story, and I hope you won't stop, just like I don't stop writting it. In the finale, everything will be understood. Thanks for all the amazing comments, love you so much. And by the way, there will be soundtracks shared in almost every chapter, so be sure to play them when it tells you. SIBUNA!

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