S4EP11 "House of Trust/House of Attention" Part 1

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House of Anubis : The Sacrifice of Isis' Sword

"House of Trust/House of Attention" Part 1 (out of 5)

Last time on House of Anubis: Mysterious meeting caused Sibunas one of the biggest problems yet, but can Fabian's curiosity save Patricia's life from death? It all comes back - Right now!

--- (Play the Soundtrack)

Fabian: Amber, what is it?

Amber: Some sort of paper...

Fabian: What does it say?

Amber: I think it's a clue.

(Takes the paper from the safe)

Amber: The Treasure is in the place you look, dig deep to find the book.

Fabian: It's not it.

Amber: What?

Fabian: Something else written below!

Amber: Oh... The Ocean of Glass will bring your quest, The Curse of Ra will help your friend rest.

Fabian: That's weird. Curse of Ra. Patricia got cursed by Ra?

Amber: But I thought Ra was banished? Mara told me that.

Fabian: I Don't think it's Ra we have to worry about. The Ocean of Glass.

Amber: Aquarium?

Fabian: We ain't going to fish, Ambs!

Amber: What, everything's possible.

Fabian: Ocean of Glass. Where could that be?

Amber: Window? Telescope? Aquarium? Glass...

Fabian: Window? I don't think so. Let's go to the secret studdy.

Amber: Okay.

(Fabian & Amber run to the secret passage way, Fabian enters the code 1890, door opens and they come in)

Fabian: Wait, we are looking for the book Cassie was talking about?

Amber: I Think so...

Fabian: She said she found it.

Amber: She AND Dexter found it.

Fabian: Which means they know where it is.

Amber: Pretty sure.

Fabian: Go invite Cassie, we need to find the book as soon as possible!

(Amber goes to the corridor and invites Cassie)

[2 minutes later]

Cassie: Why did you bring me here?

Fabian: We need to find the book you were talking about!

Cassie: Oh, it's on the bookshelf near that window!

Amber: Really? The book is just near the place we found the clue?

Fabian: Ocean of glass. Right, whatever that means.

(Cassie gives Fabian the book)

Fabian: The Book of Tutankhamun... How old is it? Oh...

Amber: What?

Fabian: It has the Eye of Horus symbol on it!

Amber: No way! Sibuna! And when I told you I'm giving up, I take that back! This is about to get interesting.

Fabian: Cassie, would you do me a favor?

Cassie: What is it?

Fabian: Could you go... To Dan's office...

Cassie: What for?

Fabian: Hmm... Go to Dan's office, and find something that looks simillar to this.

Cassie: The locket he keeps in one of his boring books?

Fabian: I guess?

Cassie: You can count on me.

Fabian: Oh and ask Dexter if he can make sure Dan doesn't come into the office while you'll be searching for the locket!

Cassie: He's in school, but okay, I'll ask! Just incase.

Amber: Good luck!

(Cassie runs to the kitchen)

Cassie: Hey, Dexter?

Dexter: What do you want, Juliet?

Cassie: First, you're not my Romeo! But, I'd be honored if you became my guardian...

Dexter: What do you want?

Cassie: Uhm, would you please take care nobody goes to the cellar? I'm going to take something from Dan's office, and if Dan suddendly comes back, get his attention until I run out of his... studdy room or whatever!

Dexter: Got it.

(Dexter sits on the steps)

(Cassie runs upstairs & starts searching for the Eye of Horus)

Cassie: Come on, Come on, where are you? Come little eyeball, my nose misses you! Wish Corbiere was here, I'd ask him for help...

Dexter: Hurry up!

Cassie: I'll try my best!!!

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