S4EP13 "House of Attack/House of Disappointment" Part 3

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House of Anubis : The Sacrifice of Isis' Sword

"House of Attack/House of Disappointment" Part 3 (out of 5)

Amber: Okay, popcorn ready, may the drama beggin!

Joy: That's right, Fabian, you've been a terrible boyfriend to her and that's why she left!

Fabian: You're not supposed to know why she left!

Joy: Well maybe, I don't even care, all I want for you is to understand what feelings I really have for you!

Fabian & Amber: Huh?

Joy: Forget what I said.

Fabian: Joy, did you...

Joy: Forget I said anything, ok? Just leave me alone!

Fabian: Joy, I do not want you to be like that.

Joy: You don't want me to be myself, yeah, that really makes a lot of sence now.

Fabian: Look, do you really n...

Joy: Yes, Fabian, I still like you! I've dated Jerome, I avoided you, I've dated Troy when I was in college, but all of that was only to forget you! But it's like impossible, and none of you guys will understand. All I want is to be a normal teenage girl who could feel happy when her dream boy comes to her and says hello, but guess what? That never happened and it never will! So, what do I have to do about it? It's not my fault I'm not perfect!

Joy beggins saying another sentence, but fabian puts his finger on her lips & his another hand on Joy's left shoulder.

Fabian: Joy, the only problem you have is that you're afraid someone else is not going to like you the way you are...

Amber: Say what?!

Fabian: But the thing is, I like you the way you are. And all that time you were just hiding that you still like me? You shouldn't, I like you too.

Joy: As a friend?

Amber: Of course as a friend! Not like as... you know... as a girlfriend! *panics*

Fabian: Not only - as a friend, Joy... Even more...

Fabian kisses Joy. After they start kissing, Joy smiles, but Amber takes a glass of water from the table and pours it on Fabian's face.

(Play the soundtrack)

Fabian: Amber?!

Amber: Are you crazy?! You just kissed the girl who made your girlfriend sad all the time!

Fabian: No, Amber, I just kissed my girlfriend...

Joy & Amber: Really?

Fabian: If you want to?

Amber: No, we all don't want to!

Fabian: I was speaking to Joy, Amber.

Joy: I want.

Fabian starts kissing Joy again.

Amber: What the... And what about FABINA?

Fabian: Nina's not here, so, I guess it's time for me to move on...

KT becomes sad that Fabian kissed Joy instead of her and walks out of the kitchen. Amber slaps herself because she thinks it's only a dream.

Amber: Eddie, you're a dude, slap me hard.

Eddie: the what now?

Amber: Slap me!

(Eddie slaps Amber)

Amber: Ouch! Not that hard! But, appreciated. Yep, I was right, this isn't a dream! Jabian just happened!

Jerome: Yeah, and I wonder how that is.

Cassie: Another hot couple in the house, sweet! We thought Jabian will never happen, but it did, and even before Dexter finally told Erin he loves her!

Joy: Ha, Cassie?

Cassie: Yeah?

Fabian: You know Dexter & Erin are standing right behind you...

Cassie: What are you talking about? (Turns around) Oh... Hey-Hey, Cobwoy and Fum Fum! How are you? What a sunny day in LA it is today! Haha, I'll just, I'll just go...

Erin: Yeah, make sure not to forget your suncream!

Dexter: Uh, so embarrassing... I mean - me & you? A couple? Haha, who thought of that?

Erin: Right...

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