S4EP10 "House of Accusations/House of Tears" Part 5

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House of Anubis : The Sacrifice of Isis' Sword

"House of Accusations/House of Tears" Part 5 (Final)

(Fabian & Amber walk down stairs and meet up with Joy & Jerome)

Joy: Where are you two going? Is Patricia alright?

Fabian: Wish I could say that.

Amber: We're going to Anubis house to find something... And, before you go there, make sure to prepare for bad news.

Joy: Thanks for... teasing?

(Joy & Jerome get even more worried)

[In the house]

Amber: Why did we come here?

Fabian: To find out something that's been unfinished?

Amber: Whuh?

Fabian: Dexter! Yo, Dexter!

(Cassie, Erin, Jake & Dexter run out of the kitchen)

Cassie & Erin: Guys!

Erin: Where are the others?

Cassie: Is Patricia alright?

Fabian: We'll talk about it later, I need to talk about something. Dexter, Cassie, come with me.

Cassie and Dexter: Uhm, sure..

(Amber, Cassie, Fabian and Dexter walk up to the attic)

Cassie: Why did you bring us here?

Fabian: To find out the truth. Patricia fell asleep.

Amber: He actually meant she died.

Cassie: What?!

Fabian: We're not sure if she's dead! You guys are the only ones we can trust. Since Dan is outside now, and there is the eye of horus in his office, you'll have to bring it to us!

Cassie: Right, why, exactly?

Fabian: We need to get to the cellar. See, in tonight's dream... Nina was walking in the cellar, reading some sort of Book which has a golden sun & eye symbols on it.

Cassie: The Book of Tutankhamun?

Fabian: Possible. Wait, what do you know?

Cassie: The book I found in the cellar!

Dexter: We, she meant.

* (Play the soundtrack below the cover photo!)

Cassie: Anyways, it doesn't open. It's all covered with Gold & Egyptian Hieroglyphics, I tried to open it, but it didn't go well.

Fabian: Did it have any lock hole on it or something?

Cassie: Not really, except the Eye one on the right...

Amber: Oh...

Fabian: Get us the book. We need it.

Cassie: How will the book help you?

Fabian: Stop asking! Dexter - get the locket from Dan's office. Cassie - You make sure while we will be in the cellar, noone comes. No One.

Cassie & Dexter: Got it.

[5 minutes later]

(Dexter throws Nina's locket to Fabian's hand, Fabian catches)

Amber: Well done, good job! Now, Cassie, stay in the corridor and make sure noone comes in! We need to be alone there.

Cassie: Ooh, I see something flirty coming up!

Amber: Ew, Right, when did I started liking Fabian?

Fabian: Stop being silly, go!

(Cassie runs away)

(Fabian & Amber go to the cellar using the secret passage way)

Fabian: Right, where do we look?

(Amber takes Nina's locket from Fabian and puts it on a strange sun symbol on the wall)

(Wall starts shining)

Amber: Uh, Fabian, look!

Fabian: Didn't see that coming... What did you do?

Amber: Admit it, I'm a genius.

But suddendly, an earthquake beggins again, books fall down the ground, so does Victor's old potions and stuffed animals.

Fabian: Lay down!

Amber: I know what to do! And, I take my words back, I don't know if putting that locket on the wall was actually what a genius would do!

(A Mini secret safe appears inside the wall and opens itself, Amber gets closer to it and finds some sort of paper in it)

Amber: Uhm, okay, turns out, I was a genius!

(Amber takes the paper from the secret cellar safe)

Amber: Uh-oh... Fabian, look!

Fabian: What is it?

-- What Happens Next?

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