S4EP07 "House of Surprise!/House of Break-Up" Part 4

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House of Anubis: The Sacrifice of Isis' Sword

"House of Surprise!/House of Break-up" Part 4 (out of 5)

(While boys are talking in the kitchen, Mara upstairs is teaching the girls how to dance)

Mara: 1, 2, 7, 8!

(Mara Jumps on the bed)

Amber: Seriously? You think that non-sense you just said can help us for the talent show?

Mara: Well, what would you choose, Princess?

Amber: Listen to the professional... Five, Six, Seven, Eight!

(Amber shows the girls some dance moves)

(Mara, Amber, Erin, Cassie, Joy & Willow start dancing)

(Willow falls)

Willow: Ah! My leg! It hurts! Someone get the ambulance!

Amber: Ambulance? Duh... The pain will dissapear when you start dancing, not jumping up & down!

(In the evening, Fabian, Jerome, Patricia, Mara & Joy are watching a movie)

(Cassie walks in)

Cassie: What ya watching?

Patricia: Some sort of dumb movie Mara thought was funny...

Mara: Come on! It teaches people how to love!

Cassie: And the title is...?

Jerome: Michelle Coberson - How to Love...

(Patricia gets out and goes upstairs)

Fabian: Come on! Patricia! Wait for me!

(Mara looks mad)

Mara: Fabian! You need to learn how to love & make your girlfriend smile, that's why you're watching this movie with me & not going with her!

Fabian: But she's the cool one!

Mara: Excuse me?

(Mara stands up)

Fabian: Oh no...

Mara: If I'm not important to you, that's fine!

(Mara goes away)

(Fabian runs to catch her)

Cassie: Fabian!

(Fabian stops)

Fabian: What?

Cassie: Let her go! You weren't a good couple anyways...

Fabian: Yeah... Fabra or Mabian or however you call it is just not right.

Joy: Fabra is like Fabian with a bra...

Fabian: Haha...

Joy: You miss the old good Fabina times, don't you?

Fabian: Right... But there's nothing I can do! I don't even know where my ex-girlfriend is!

Joy: She doesn't even know you're her ex!

Fabian: Yeah! But if I brake up with Mara... It means she won't be in Sibuna anymore!?

Joy: Right... Whatever...

Jerome: Mara knows about Sibuna?

Fabian & Joy: Yes!

Jerome: Oh, right... And she was the one who said I'm hidding something from her...

Joy: Mara's weird...

(Amber comes in)

Amber: Tell me about it! All she does is scream at me like I don't know how to dance! I Mean - How is that possible? I Took dancing lessons for 5 years, she doesn't even know what the word Shoebalet means!

Fabian: What does it mean?

Amber: You know... When you put on... A pink one... With... Dance moves... Eh?

(Joy & Jerome confused)

Amber: You freaks don't need to know everything!

Joy: Freaks? I'm not the one who thinks of words with no meaning!

Amber: Clever, Joy! Is that all you can say?!

(Amber walks out)

Joy: What's wrong with her?!

Jerome: How do I know?

Fabian: She's just tired...

(KT Finds Fabian & asks for help)

KT: Fabian, weren't we suppose to call the police about the missing person?

Fabian: Who?

KT: Nina! The girl I've never met but am the only one who cares about her!

Fabian: You're not the only one! I Care about her too.

 KT: Right? Then why are you cheating on her with Mara?

Fabian: I'm not cheating on her!

KT: Aha?

Fabian: Not anymore.

KT: Mabian no more? Wha? Really?!

Fabian: Really!

KT: Oh dear... Sorry about...

Fabian: It's fine, don't you get it?! Leave me alone!

(Fabian walks to his room)

KT: Alright, then...

KT: Guess I'm the only one who still cares about the mystery beneath the house...

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