S4EP13 "House of Attack/House of Disappointment" Part 4

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House of Anubis : The Sacrifice of Isis' Sword

"House of Attack/House of Disappointment" Part 4 (out of 5)

* Play the soundtrack below - Hand of Fate - Debbie Wiseman *

Amber walks into KT's room.

Amber: The kiss really did hurt you...

KT: I really liked him, and, the way he kissed Joy, was...

Amber: Intense?

KT: Yeah, intense.

Amber: I'm sorry, I'm not happy about Jabian either.

KT: You wouldn't be happy for Kabian too.

Amber: Well, the fact that I only like Fabina, yeah...

KT: Let's just... Forget this, Fabian likes Joy & noone will ever change that.

Amber: Just wanted to say that I'm sorry for him not liking you the way you expected.

KT: Just, leave it, alright?

KT stands up and tries to sneak out of the room.

Amber: KT, Wait. I know this will sound hard for you, but, Nina is the only girl that Fabian ever loved. I mean, you both would make a nice couple, but, not as great as Fabian & Nina. I'm sorry, my opinion is that you should move on. Jabian is a mistake, Kabian would of been one too. And I know you probably will call me a horrible friend for this, but, I'm just telling you what I think. If you don't agree with me, I can't help it, this is your life, and, I absolutely understand.

KT: You know what I understand? Nothing. That's the problem! Patricia's cursed, Osirian lost his powers, the boy I started to like fell in love with my buddy... Ugh, this is all too much! And the worst thing is that I spent so much time thinking about this mystery and didn't even have any time to think about a relationship! Even if I did have a boyfriend, I wish it was a treestump and not that evil nerd jerk Fabian.

Amber: Don't call Fabian a jerk... He's just, a really - really complicated person.

KT: Tell me about it. But, thanks for taking care of me, Amber. I'm sorry for shouting at you and...

Amber: Hey, I understand how you feel & you don't have to explain me anything. Friends?

KT: Of course we are friends, gimme a hug ya cowboy sister!

(Next morning)

Cassie, Erin, Dexter, Eddie, Fabian, KT, Amber, Mara, Joy & Alfie come to the Sibuna meeting place and sit on the ground.

Amber: Hey, KT!

KT: Ahah?

Amber (Whispers): Yesterday you talked about dating a treestump, there is one here, this is your turn!

KT: Uhm... Not my type!

Amber: Liar, liar, pants on fire...

KT: Whatever... *giggles*

Cassie: Good morning my old friends!

Joy & Eddie: Morning.

Amber: Do we have to be here now? It's 5 am, why did you invite us all here?

Cassie: As a newest Sibuna member, and the most prettiest girl in town...

Amber: Remember, you can shut up anytime you want...

Cassie: Right, Amber, maybe you'd like to say the speech?

Fabian: Just do it.

Cassie: Like I said, as the newest...

KT: Get to the point!

Erin: Yeah, Cassie, you're really annoying!

Cassie: Just listen! As the newest Sibuna member...

KT: Yep, I'm out. *stands up*

Eddie: That makes two of us!

Joy: Goin' with you!

Cassie: Stay Here you skunks! Why can't you listen to one sentence?!

KT: Ok, ok, we were joking!

Cassie: Right. Guys, I'd like you all to meet the newest member of our secret Society - Jake!

KT: Wait, what?

Mara: Another member?

Eddie: You promissed to keep a secret!

Fabian: You can't just invite everyone you like!

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