S4EP14 "House of Ideas/House of Understanding" Part 4

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House of Anubis:The Sacrifice of Isis' Sword

"House of Ideas/House of Understanding" Part 4

Mysterious Spirit: There's no chance you'll stop me from my own destiny! Ra-dec-two-zen-tec, ra-dec-two-zen-tec...

The spirit dissapears from the dusty cellar view.

Amber: Great! We found our self a new Egyptian friend!

Fabian: Guys, this is bad... Though, now we know more, which means we're closer to the answer.

Amber: Fabian, forget about "the answer"! Our lives are in danger...

Eddie: Since when weren't they in danger?

 Amber: You're right. Perhaps before we were born...


[an hour later]

Mara, Joy, Fabian, Amber & Alfie talking on the couch in KT's room.

Mara: Haven't you figured out the code yet?

Fabian: Nope, I haven't but it seems like someone's telling me that we sholdn't be involved in this mystery.

Amber: We're already doomed, it all might finish to Patricia's death, what else do we have to loose?

Mara: Speaking of mysteries, how did the spirit look like?

Amber: Ugly, how else? Duh!

Fabian: Uh. What if she, the spirit, starts contacting us through our dreams? That happened with Senkhara a few times...

Joy: What makes you think that?

Mara: Who's Senkhara?! Nobody ever mentioned Senkhara to me before.

Amber: Come on! What century do we love in? Nobody contacts people through their dreams anymore! That's why I use Facebook! *blinks 3 times*

Joy: Blonde stupidity unleashed!

Amber: Immature of you to say that!

Fabian: Queitly! Trying to work here!

Amber: Yeah, well, your work would go faster if you didn't invite this parrot to SIBUNA!

Fabian: Amber!

Amber: Sorry! Just trying to open your eyes...

Joy: Oh I will open your eyes right now!

Mara: Stop it you both! You want to figure out this code by your own?

Amber: No way, I have a life to focus on...

Mara: Then be queit!

Jake runs into the room with the 'Book of Tutankhamun' in hands.

Jake: Hey guys! You're not going to guess what I've just found!

Mara: That you have to close your zipper before knocking? Knowing there are girls around?

Jake: What?! *Looks down* Right, thanks!

(Everyone giggling)

Amber: Excluding zippers & knocking, what else did you find out?

Jake: I've got news! I found the Isis' sword!

Joy: What?! And the bad news?

Jake: The bad news is that... I'm lying!

Amber: Ugh!

Fabian: Liar!

Amber: I was almost thinking about hugging you.

Jake: You know, I wouldn't refuse. ;)

Amber: Gross!

Fabian: Why are you here anyways?

Jake: Oh, just... Hanging!

Amber: Seriously? That's why we all now have to jump up & down now? Wow, Jake, the youth nowadays is really annoying!

Jake: I'm kidding! I read this book and found out the gun of death was hidden 'beneath the bricks of Egyptian wings', as it says here on page 77. Whatever that means, I thought it might be helpful. (Gives them the book).

Fabian: Yeah, well it is!

Joy: We shouldn't have welcomed you to the SIBUNA like we did in the first place.

Amber: Thanks Jake *kisses Jake in the cheek*.

Mara: Didn't see that coming.

Jake gets surprised and leaves the room with a big smile, however, Alfie does not seem to be very happy about Jake's and Amber's "friendship".

Fabian: Yeah, it says here! The sword of death is hidden beneath the bricks of Egyptian wings!

Amber: Just give me a second. We solved riddles & defeated evil spirits when we could just grab this book & read all the answers? Well okay!

Fabian: Anyways. Bricks of Egyptian wings?


To be continued, thanks for reading!

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