Chapter One

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Unknown POV.

All I currently felt was a pounding in my head, a repeating thump that didn't want to leave. Trying to open my eyes and see where I was my eye lids felt as though they were glued together, making them impossible to separate.

Under me I felt something cold and moist, slowly trying to move my hand as much as possible I came to a conclusion that it was grass, wet grass.

Once again I tried to open my eyes and this time I gained more control and was able to open it, however that was the biggest mistake of my life because the light was so bright that it left me blind for a couple of seconds, repeatedly blinking my eyes I finally adjusted to the light.

Feeling a shiver run down my spine from the wind I look around me to get an idea of where I was, the first thing that I came into view was trees, swaying as the wind shook their magnificent green leafs in an angry rage.

Ya Allah where am I?

Looking down I was wearing a long peach dress, which was extremely dirty, covered by a big black cloak. Their was mud all over it, in some areas their was also small sticks and leafs hanging of.

There was also a scarf that was tightly wrapped around my head that was the exact same colour my dress, gently putting my head on it I felt a sense of relief for some reason knowing that it was on my head.

Looking down at my feet I was barefooted, where the hell was my shoes? trying to remember what happened to me, my brain would repeatedly go blank every time I go past the fact that I woke up here.

Taking a big breath I sit down properly as I close my eyes and try to remember how I got here, however it was exactly the same, everything goes black the moment I try to go past the fact I was here.

Ya Allah where did I come from?

"Oh my Lord open for me my chest. And ease for me my task. And loosen the knot from my tongue. That they understand my speech. [20:25-28]" I made a small Dua that just felt so natural on my tongue, to help me remember.

Slowly trying to get up I felt the whole world spin right in front of my eyes, I closed my eyes for a few seconds until I felt everything stop spinning.

When I felt that it was safe for me to get up, I made sure to this time move slowly not like a couple of seconds ago.

Standing up I look around the forest that I was in and tried to think of which way I should start to walk, I stood their silently for a few seconds thinking of a good plan, I suddenly heard the one thing I feared the most.


A stick snaps which indicates that someone was behind me, before I could tell myself not to turn around I felt my head automatically turn to where the sound came from.

And their stood a big brown dog, he was standing their looking at me, as he showed me his teeth. The moment I saw where that snap came from I felt my heart drop to my stomach, I literally couldn't move my legs as I knew any seconds now I was going to start shaking from fear.

Fear that was quickly making its way all over my body.

"Good doggy" I felt myself say, however that didn't seem to please him because the moment I said that the dog let out a warning bark.

"Good dog you just stand there I'll be on my way okay?" I slowly started to take small steps backwards as I watched him look at my every move.

The moment I took more then five steps he barked louder then before, as he slowly started to walk towards me.

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