Chapter two

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Unknowns POV.

We walked through the woods for what felt like one whole hour, but I wasn't sure if that's how long we were actually walking or was it because I was tired and hungry that it felt long, I wasn't sure know how long ago I didn't eat because I couldn't remember anything past waking up.

"I can't wait until Masin says to throw her in the dungeon" the bulky one says, as he turns around and looks at me, he had an evil smirk on his face which I didn't seem to like one bit.

"I don't really care what Masin says to do to her" the less skinnier twin says, suddenly the bulky one stops, thank Allah I stopped in time before I could bump into either one of them I didn't want to anger them more then they already are.

"Look at her, isn't she just one hot piece of meat, I'm surprised we haven't seen her before. Her beauty is like nothing I have seen before Jalal" he says as he pulls the rope towards him forcing me to fall forward however before I could fall to the ground he grabbed hold of me as he wraps his hands around my waist.

"Look at her milky skin, her mysterious blue eyes, her..." but before he could say anything Jalal stopped him as I saw the same disinterested look on his face.

"I can see that Jamal I can see her beauty but you know I don't care about anyone else, Mariam is enough for me" Jalal looked at me one last time with that same expression on his face as he carried on walking.

"Well that's his loss isn't it the more for me I guess" he squeezed my waisted as I was frozen in shock, I don't know what happened to me, but the moment Jamal wrapped his hand around me, no matter how hard I wanted to rip it of me because his touch felt like acid, I didn't have the strength to as I felt as though my body was frozen.

Not realising that Jamal also started walking I nearly fell once I felt myself being dragged again. This time it didn't take us long before I saw the end of the forest. Trying to get as much saliva as I had I licked my lips and swallowed it so that I can sooth my aching throat, it felt so dry.

"Can I please have some water" I say once I saw that Jamal had a small bottle wrapped around his waste, looking at me he looked down to see where my eyes was, he stopped for a second as he thought of something, suddenly an evil smile made its way onto his face.

"Sure thing no problem" he takes the bottle and opens it just when I bring my hand out to take it I saw him lift the bottle up and pour the water on the ground slowly as he stared at me, once my tongue unintentionally licked my lips Jamal started to laugh as if it was the funniest sight.

Although all I wanted to do was forcefully take it from him, but looking at his size I knew I didn't stand a chance. I just stared at the water as it got tipped on the already wet grass.

When the water was finished Jamal flicked the bottle to show me it was empty, he closed the lip of the bottle as he placed it back around is waste. Not sparing me another glance he carried on walking.

"Enemies deserve nothing but punishment" he didn't even bother looking at me as he says.


I didn't even know who I was, how can I be an enemy, and who in the world was Suliman?
Looking down at my hand I saw a drop of water on my finger, it must have landed there when Jamal flicked the bottle.

Taking my finger up to my face I glance to look at that little droplet of water. I slowly brought my finger and was going to put it on my dried lips but before my lips got in contact with my finger I felt my hand get pulled back with the rope as Jamal told me to walk faster.

Doing exactly as I was told I lifted up my hand one more time to see the droplet but it wasn't their anymore.

I was so lost in my mind as I tried to find out who I was or where I came from that I didn't realise that we had  exited the forest and now we're surrounded by houses and people, until I heard little children laughing.

Shooting my eyes up I started to look to look around me, there were so many people there were women men little boys and girls there was also animal.

Everyone stopped what they were doing as they stared at me with their mouth open, they were shocked with the scene that was in front of the mm however no one did anything to help me.

"Please help me" I mouthed to some people so that Jalal and Jamal didn't hear me however they all did the same thing look at the ground as if fearing that the twins would kill them if they looked at me much longer.

We carried on walking until we were in front of this big mansion this must be where their leader lives. Taking one big gulp I stepped into the mansion, with every step I took closer I felt my heart pounding faster.

Today just might be my last day.

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